Slip Sliding Away: Further Union Decline in Germany and Britain.
Journal Article
Addison, J., Bryson, A., Teixeira, P., & Pahnke, A. (2011). Slip Sliding Away: Further Union Decline in Germany and Britain. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 58(4), 490-518.
Professor John Addison's Outputs (67)
German Works Councils and the Anatomy of Wages. (2010)
Journal Article
Addison, J., Teixeira, P., & Zwick, T. (2010). German Works Councils and the Anatomy of Wages. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63(2), 248-271
Unemployment Benefits and Reservation Wages: Key Elasticities from a Stripped-Down Job Search Approach. (2010)
Journal Article
Addison, J., Centeno, M., & Portugal, P. (2010). Unemployment Benefits and Reservation Wages: Key Elasticities from a Stripped-Down Job Search Approach. Economica, 77(305), 46-59.
Innovation, Employment and Growth Policy Issues in the EU and the US (2009)
Welfens, P., & Addison, J. (2009). Innovation, Employment and Growth Policy Issues in the EU and the US. Springer Verlag.
Do Reservation Wages Really Decline: Some International Evidence on the Determinants of Reservation Wages. (2009)
Journal Article
Addison, J., Centeno, M., & Portugal, P. (2009). Do Reservation Wages Really Decline: Some International Evidence on the Determinants of Reservation Wages. Journal of Labor Research, 30(1), 1-8.
Do Minimum Wages Raise Employment? Evidence from the U.S. Retail Trade Sector. (2009)
Journal Article
Addison, J., Blackburn, M., & Cotti, C. (2009). Do Minimum Wages Raise Employment? Evidence from the U.S. Retail Trade Sector. Labour Economics, 16(4), 397-408.
The Economics of Codetermination: Lessons from the German Experience. (2009)
Addison, J. (2009). The Economics of Codetermination: Lessons from the German Experience. Palgrave Macmillan
Does Atypical Work Help the Jobless: Evidence from a CAEAS/CPS Cohort Analysis. (2009)
Journal Article
Addison, J., & Surfield, C. (2009). Does Atypical Work Help the Jobless: Evidence from a CAEAS/CPS Cohort Analysis. Applied Economics, 41(9), 1077-1087.
Are Good Industrial Relations Good for the Economy? (2009)
Journal Article
Addison, J., & Teixeira, P. (2009). Are Good Industrial Relations Good for the Economy?. German Economic Review, 10(3), 253-269.
Atypical Work and Employment Continuity (2009)
Journal Article
Addison, J., & Surfield, C. (2009). Atypical Work and Employment Continuity. Industrial Relations, 48(4), 655-683.
The Demand for Labor: An Analysis Using Matched Employer-Employee Data from the German LIAB. Will the High Unskilled Worker Own-Wage Elasticity Please Stand Up? (2008)
Journal Article
Addison, J., Bellmann, L., Schank, T., & Teixeira, P. (2008). The Demand for Labor: An Analysis Using Matched Employer-Employee Data from the German LIAB. Will the High Unskilled Worker Own-Wage Elasticity Please Stand Up?. Journal of Labor Research, 29(2), 114-137.
How Do Different Entitlements to Unemployment Benefits Affect the Transitions from Unemployment into Employment. (2008)
Journal Article
Addison, J., & Portugal, P. (2008). How Do Different Entitlements to Unemployment Benefits Affect the Transitions from Unemployment into Employment. Economics Letters, 101(3), 206-209.
Six Ways to Leave Unemployment. (2008)
Journal Article
Addison, J., & Portugal, P. (2008). Six Ways to Leave Unemployment. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 55(4), 393-419.
The Determinants of Performance Appraisal Systems: A Note (Do Brown and Heywood's Results for Australia Hold Up for Britain?) (2008)
Journal Article
Addison, J., & Belfield, C. (2008). The Determinants of Performance Appraisal Systems: A Note (Do Brown and Heywood's Results for Australia Hold Up for Britain?). British Journal of Industrial Relations, 46(3), 521-531.
Works Councils and Emplyment Growth: A Rejoinder. (2008)
Journal Article
Addison, J., & Teixeira, P. (2008). Works Councils and Emplyment Growth: A Rejoinder
Recent Developments in Labour Economics (2007)
Addison, J. (2007). Recent Developments in Labour Economics. Edward Elgar Publishing
Labour Markets and Social Security. (2003)
Addison, J., & Welfens, P. (2003). Labour Markets and Social Security. (2nd). Springer Verlag
International Handbook of Trade Unions. (2003)
Addison, J., & Schnabel, C. (2003). International Handbook of Trade Unions. Edward Elgar Publishing
Globalization, Economic Growth and Innovation Dynamics. (1999)
Welfens, P., Addison, J., Audretsch, D., Gries, T., & Grupp, H. (1999). Globalization, Economic Growth and Innovation Dynamics. Springer Verlag
Labour markets and social security: wage costs, social security financing and labor market reforms in Europe and policy implications. (1998)
Addison, J., & Welfens, P. (1998). Labour markets and social security: wage costs, social security financing and labor market reforms in Europe and policy implications. Springer Verlag