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Dr James Koranyi's Outputs (17)

Opposing Memories: Contest and Conspiracy over 1970s Romania (2023)
Journal Article
Koranyi, J. (2023). Opposing Memories: Contest and Conspiracy over 1970s Romania. East Central Europe, 50(1), 37-59.

The history of Romanian dissidence during the Cold War often seems rather barren. Yet, as this article demonstrates, the legacy of Romanian opposition to Cold War communism is vexed with conflicts over ownership in a fragmented circle of late Cold Wa... Read More about Opposing Memories: Contest and Conspiracy over 1970s Romania.

The Thirteen Martyrs of Arad: A Monumental Hungarian History (2015)
Book Chapter
Koranyi, J. (2015). The Thirteen Martyrs of Arad: A Monumental Hungarian History. In F. L. Müller, & D. Geppert (Eds.), Sites of imperial memory : commemorating colonial rule in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (53-69). Manchester University Press

Voyages of Socialist Discovery: German-German Exchanges between the GDR and Romania (2014)
Journal Article
Koranyi, J. (2014). Voyages of Socialist Discovery: German-German Exchanges between the GDR and Romania. Slavonic and East European Review, 92(3), 479-506.

This article explores the little-known history of German-German exchanges between East Germany and Romania during the Cold War. It reveals a complex picture of tourism, travel and information exchange in which Germans from both countries were able to... Read More about Voyages of Socialist Discovery: German-German Exchanges between the GDR and Romania.

From Diaspora to Diaspora: The Case of Transylvanian Saxons in Romania and Germany (2011)
Journal Article
Koranyi, J., & Wittlinger, R. (2011). From Diaspora to Diaspora: The Case of Transylvanian Saxons in Romania and Germany. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 17(1), 96-115.

This article investigates the relationship between Transylvanian Saxons (Siebenbürger Sachsen) and their perceived “external homeland.” The authors consider the history of German minorities in East-Central Europe and, more specifically, briefly outli... Read More about From Diaspora to Diaspora: The Case of Transylvanian Saxons in Romania and Germany.

‘Priviri secrete peste Cortina de Fier: O familie de germani din România în perioada Războiului Rece’ (‘Iron Curtain Twitchers: A Romanian German Family during the Cold War’)
Book Chapter
Koranyi, J. ‘Priviri secrete peste Cortina de Fier: O familie de germani din România în perioada Războiului Rece’ (‘Iron Curtain Twitchers: A Romanian German Family during the Cold War’). In M. Beer, S. Radu, & F. Kührer-Wielach (Eds.), Germanii din România. Migrație și patrimoniu cultural după 1945 (Germans in Romania: Migration and Cultural Heritage since 1945 (73-94). Editura Academiei Româna