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Professor Thomas Yarrow's Outputs (4)

Retaining character: heritage conservation and the logic of continuity (2018)
Journal Article
Yarrow, T. (2018). Retaining character: heritage conservation and the logic of continuity. Social Anthropology, 26(3), 330-344.

In anthropology and beyond, discussions of character have more often focused on this as a quality of human subjects rather than of the material world. How is character figured as a quality of historic buildings, monuments and places? I situate this q... Read More about Retaining character: heritage conservation and the logic of continuity.

How Conservation Matters: ethnographic explorations of historic building renovation (2018)
Journal Article
Yarrow, T. (2019). How Conservation Matters: ethnographic explorations of historic building renovation. Journal of Material Culture, 24(1), 3-21.

This article focuses on ideas of historic conservation, examining the multiple ways in which these are made to matter through practices of renovation. Bypassing normatively inflected literatures on heritage, the author adopts a more ‘agnostic’ ethnog... Read More about How Conservation Matters: ethnographic explorations of historic building renovation.