"Giving it Away", "Selling Out" or "Creative Spaces"? Why Changing Organisational Geographies Matter in English Christian Community Work
Book Chapter
Orton, A. (2011). "Giving it Away", "Selling Out" or "Creative Spaces"? Why Changing Organisational Geographies Matter in English Christian Community Work. In C. Brace, A. Bailey, S. Carter, D. Harvey, & N. Thomas (Eds.), Emerging Geographies of Belief (272-292). Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Dr Andrew Orton's Outputs (2)
Connecting localism and community empowerment: research review and critical synthesis for the AHRC Connected Community Programme. (2011)
Painter, J., Orton, A., MacLeod, D., Dominelli, L., & Pande, R. (2011). Connecting localism and community empowerment: research review and critical synthesis for the AHRC Connected Community Programme