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Professor Sarah Banks' Outputs (6)

Performing Ethics: Using participatory theatre to explore ethical issues in community-based participatory research (2014)
Banks, S., Rifkin, F., Davidson, H., Holmes, C., & Moore, N. (2014). Performing Ethics: Using participatory theatre to explore ethical issues in community-based participatory research. Centre for Social Justice and Community Action, Durham University

A 24 page booklet that outlines the nature of Forum Theatre and exercises and games for use in a workshop on ethics in community-based participatory research.

Using co-inquiry to study co-inquiry: community-university perspectives on research collaboration (2014)
Journal Article
Banks, S., Armstrong, A., Booth, M., Brown, G., Carter, K., Clarkson, M., …Russell, A. (2014). Using co-inquiry to study co-inquiry: community-university perspectives on research collaboration. Journal of community engagement and scholarship, 7(1), 37-47

In the context of a rapid development of interest in community-university research partnerships, this article argues for a greater focus on collaborative reflexivity to enhance learning from the research process and contribute toward developing susta... Read More about Using co-inquiry to study co-inquiry: community-university perspectives on research collaboration.

Responsible scientists and a citizens’ panel: New storylines for creative engagement between science and the public (2014)
Journal Article
Robinson, P., Macnaghten, P., Banks, S., Bickersteth, J., Kennedy, A., Richardson, Y., …Sylvestre, I. (2014). Responsible scientists and a citizens’ panel: New storylines for creative engagement between science and the public. The Geographical Journal, 180(1), 83-88.

Uncertainties over emerging technologies and their potential effect on society and the environment often lead to controversy between scientists, policymakers and the public. Opening up the debates and involving citizens and social scientists early in... Read More about Responsible scientists and a citizens’ panel: New storylines for creative engagement between science and the public.

Ethics (2014)
Banks, S. (2014). Ethics. Policy Press

The past few years have seen a renewed interest in the subject of social work ethics. In this short form book, part of the Critical and Radical Debates in Social Work series, Sarah Banks argues that this can be seen as reflecting two very different a... Read More about Ethics.