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Richard Hingley's Outputs (39)

Hadrian's Wall: an allegory for British disunity (2020)
Book Chapter
Hingley, R. (2020). Hadrian's Wall: an allegory for British disunity. In F. Kaminsky-Jones, & R. Kaminsky-Jones (Eds.), Celts, Romans, Britons: Classical and Celtic Influences in the construction of British Identities (201-221). Oxford University Press

Egalitarianism in the southern British Iron Age: an 'archaeology of knowledge' (2019)
Book Chapter
Hingley, R. (2019). Egalitarianism in the southern British Iron Age: an 'archaeology of knowledge'. In B. X. Cúrras, & I. Sastre (Eds.), Alternative iron ages: social theory from archaeological analysis. Routledge

This paper addresses the Iron Age roundhouses that have been (re)constructed throughout the UK since 1970 and some of the intangible associations that are linked to these structures. How concepts of science and experimentation have been used in const... Read More about Egalitarianism in the southern British Iron Age: an 'archaeology of knowledge'.

Images of Rome: Classical Rome and the United Kingdom, 1880 to 1930 (2018)
Book Chapter
Hingley, R. (2018). Images of Rome: Classical Rome and the United Kingdom, 1880 to 1930. In A. Duplá Ansuategui, E. Dell' Elicine, & J. Pérez Mostaza (Eds.), Antigüiedad clásica y naciones modernas en el Viejo y el Nuevo Mundo (211-226). Ediciones Polifemo

The Romans in Britain: Colonization of an Imperial Frontier (2017)
Book Chapter
Hingley, R. (2017). The Romans in Britain: Colonization of an Imperial Frontier. In C. Beaule (Ed.), Frontiers of colonialism (89-109). University Press of Florida

This chapter addresses the means through which the southern and eastern parts of the British Isles were incorporated into the Roman Empire during the first century CE. It assesses the significance of the value of the concept of colonialism to address... Read More about The Romans in Britain: Colonization of an Imperial Frontier.

Introduction: Imperial Limits and the crossing of frontiers (2017)
Book Chapter
Hingley, R. (2017). Introduction: Imperial Limits and the crossing of frontiers. In S. Sánchez González, & A. Guglielmi (Eds.), Roman and Barbarians beyond the frontiers : archaeology, ideology and identities in the North (1-7). Oxbow Books

Constructing the Nation and Empire: Victorian and Edwardian Images of the Building of Roman Fortifications (2016)
Book Chapter
Hingley, R. (2016). Constructing the Nation and Empire: Victorian and Edwardian Images of the Building of Roman Fortifications. In T. Fögen, & R. Warren (Eds.), Graeco-Roman antiquity and the idea of Nationalism in the 19th century : case studies (153-174). De Gruyter.

This paper explores four images that date to the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that show building operations in Roman Britain. These include two paintings, an engraving and a book illustration. The images show scenes derived from the... Read More about Constructing the Nation and Empire: Victorian and Edwardian Images of the Building of Roman Fortifications.

Post-colonial and global Rome : the genealogy of empire (2014)
Book Chapter
Hingley, R. (2014). Post-colonial and global Rome : the genealogy of empire. In M. Pitts, & M. Versluys (Eds.), Globalisation and the Roman world : world history, connectivity and material culture (32-46). Cambridge University Press.

This chapter reflects upon how contemporary scholarship in Roman studies relates to the politics of our world. Classical concepts of order, security and civilisation are deeply embedded within political understandings of the present. The Roman empire... Read More about Post-colonial and global Rome : the genealogy of empire.

Early Studies in Roman Britain: 1610 to 1906 (2014)
Book Chapter
Hingley, R. (2016). Early Studies in Roman Britain: 1610 to 1906. In M. Millett, L. Revell, & A. Moore (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of Roman Britain (3-21). Oxford University Press.

This chapter provides a summary of changing interpretation of Roman Britain between 1586 and 1906. It commences with the interpretation of the history of the Roman province outlined by William Camden in his seminal account Britannia. It provides an e... Read More about Early Studies in Roman Britain: 1610 to 1906.

Introduction (2014)
Book Chapter
Hingley, R. (2014). Introduction. In M. Janković, V. Mihajlović, & S. Babić (Eds.), The edges of the Roman world (1-4). Cambridge Scholars Publishing

The Living Frontier: The Passing of Time on Hadrian's Wall (2013)
Book Chapter
Hingley, R. (2013). The Living Frontier: The Passing of Time on Hadrian's Wall. In N. Mills (Ed.), Presenting the Romans: Interpreting the Frontiers of the Roman Empire World Heritage Site (147-156). Boydell & Brewer

Commentary: inheriting Roman Places (2012)
Book Chapter
Hingley, R. (2012). Commentary: inheriting Roman Places. In D. M. Totten, & K. Lafrenz Samules (Eds.), Making Roman Places, past and present (171-176). Journal of Roman Archaeology

Comment: processing the past (2012)
Book Chapter
Hingley, R. (2012). Comment: processing the past. In N. M. Burström, & F. Fahlander (Eds.), Matters of Scale: Processes and courses of events in the past and the present (185-196). PAG

Rome: Imperial and Local Religions (2011)
Book Chapter
Hingley, R. (2011). Rome: Imperial and Local Religions. In T. Insoll (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of the archaeology of ritual and religion (745-757). Oxford University Press

Tales of the Frontier: diasporas on Hadrian's wall (2010)
Book Chapter
Hingley, R. (2010). Tales of the Frontier: diasporas on Hadrian's wall. In H. Eckardt (Ed.), Roman diasporas : archaeological approaches to mobility and diversity in the Roman Empire (227-243). Journal of Roman Archaeology