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Dr Soazig Casteau's Outputs (1)

On the link between attentional search and the oculomotor system: is pre-attentive search restricted to the range of eye movements? (2020)
Journal Article
Casteau, S., & Smith, D. (2020). On the link between attentional search and the oculomotor system: is pre-attentive search restricted to the range of eye movements?. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 82(2), 518-532.

It has been proposed that covert visual search can be fast, efficient, and stimulus driven, particularly when the target is defined by a salient single feature, or slow, inefficient, and effortful when the target is defined by a nonsalient conjunctio... Read More about On the link between attentional search and the oculomotor system: is pre-attentive search restricted to the range of eye movements?.