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Professor Jacquie Robson's Outputs (4)

Post-16 students’ experience of practical science during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact on students’ self-efficacy in practical work (2024)
Journal Article
Cramman, H., Arenas, B., Awais, R., Balaban, C., Cropper, C., Dennis, F., Finch, K., Gray, H., Hall, A., Kitchen, G., Norman, K., O’Driscoll, L., Petts, P., Petri, S., Robson, J., Rosenburgh, A., Shields, L., Swift, G. P., & Vaughan, H. (2024). Post-16 students’ experience of practical science during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact on students’ self-efficacy in practical work. Enhancing Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2, 39-69.

This paper presents the findings from a detailed study investigating UK undergraduate students’ experience of practical science in their post-16 studies during the COVID-19 pandemic. It also examines their perceived confidence and preparedness in rel... Read More about Post-16 students’ experience of practical science during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact on students’ self-efficacy in practical work.

A Combined Spectrophotometer and Fluorometer to Demonstrate the Principles of Absorption Spectroscopy (2021)
Journal Article
Lietard, A., Screen, M. A., Flindt, D. L., Jordan, C. J., Robson, J. M., & Verlet, J. R. (2021). A Combined Spectrophotometer and Fluorometer to Demonstrate the Principles of Absorption Spectroscopy. Journal of Chemical Education, 98(12), 3871-3877.

A dual-function student-crafted instrument is described as part of a laboratory activity aimed to teach both the principles and practical aspects of absorption spectroscopy to secondary and introductory undergraduate students. Using minimal changes i... Read More about A Combined Spectrophotometer and Fluorometer to Demonstrate the Principles of Absorption Spectroscopy.

Lessons learned from implementing blended and online undergraduate chemistry laboratory teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic (2021)
Book Chapter
Cramman, H., Connor, M. A., Hau, C., & Robson, J. (2021). Lessons learned from implementing blended and online undergraduate chemistry laboratory teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic. In E. Pearsall, K. Mock, M. Morgan, & B. A. Tucker (Eds.), Advances in Online Chemistry Education (177-193). American Chemical Society.

In March 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic led to unprecedented circumstances which impacted significantly on Higher Education. Since that time, requirements for social distancing and reduced access to in-lab teaching facilities have meant a dramatic redes... Read More about Lessons learned from implementing blended and online undergraduate chemistry laboratory teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Write on the edge: using a chemistry corpus to develop academic writing skills resources for undergraduate chemists (2016)
Journal Article
Bruce, M., Coffer, P., Rees, S., & Robson, J. (2016). Write on the edge: using a chemistry corpus to develop academic writing skills resources for undergraduate chemists. Chemistry education research and practice, 17, 580-589.

Many undergraduate students find the production of an extended piece of academic writing challenging. This challenge is more acute in the sciences where production of extended texts is infrequent throughout undergraduate studies. This paper reports t... Read More about Write on the edge: using a chemistry corpus to develop academic writing skills resources for undergraduate chemists.