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Professor Jo Mcbride's Outputs (2)

Beyond Work Intensification: the contradictions and ironies of the changing nature of ‘unskilled’ work in a context of austerity and organisational change (2019)
Journal Article
McBride, J., & Martinez Lucio, M. (2019). Beyond Work Intensification: the contradictions and ironies of the changing nature of ‘unskilled’ work in a context of austerity and organisational change. Capital & Class, 45(1), 145-164.

This paper argues, through a study of cleaning workers, a need to reconsider the changing nature of unskilled work. In particular, how it has, ironically, become more complex and challenging in some cases due to economic and political developments. F... Read More about Beyond Work Intensification: the contradictions and ironies of the changing nature of ‘unskilled’ work in a context of austerity and organisational change.

Accessing ‘Hard to Reach Groups’ and Emotions in the Research Process: ‘Work an Honest Day and Get the Usual Raw Deal’ (2019)
Book Chapter
Smith, A., & McBride, J. (2019). Accessing ‘Hard to Reach Groups’ and Emotions in the Research Process: ‘Work an Honest Day and Get the Usual Raw Deal’. In D. Wheatley (Ed.), Handbook of research methods on the quality of working lives (95-108). Edward Elgar Publishing.

This chapter is based on detailed qualitative research into the working lives of low-paid workers in multiple employment. We discuss the research design and practicalities of researching a ‘hard to reach group’ of workers. The emotive and sensitive i... Read More about Accessing ‘Hard to Reach Groups’ and Emotions in the Research Process: ‘Work an Honest Day and Get the Usual Raw Deal’.