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Professor Dennis Philip's Outputs (24)

Media content and stock returns : the predictive power of press (2015)
Journal Article
Ferguson, N., Philip, D., Lam, H., & Guo, M. (2015). Media content and stock returns : the predictive power of press. Multinational finance journal, 19(1), 1-31

This paper examines whether tone (positive and negative) and volume of firm-specific news media content provide valuable information about future stock returns, using UK news media data from 1981–2010. The results indicate that both tone and volume o... Read More about Media content and stock returns : the predictive power of press.

Stock market literacy, trust, and participation (2014)
Journal Article
Balloch, A., Nicolae, A., & Philip, D. (2015). Stock market literacy, trust, and participation. Review of Finance, 19(5), 1925-1963.

This article studies the importance of stock market literacy and trust for stock ownership decisions. We find that these two distinct channels simultaneously explain not only the probability of participation, but, conditional on participation, also e... Read More about Stock market literacy, trust, and participation.

Media sentiment and UK stock returns (2011)
Preprint / Working Paper
Ferguson, N., Guo, J., Lam, H., & Philip, D. (2011). Media sentiment and UK stock returns

This paper is the first to determine the effect that media sentiment has on stockreturns for UK companies and tests whether there is any return predictabilitycontained in the UK media sentiment data. We show that measures of positive andnegative medi... Read More about Media sentiment and UK stock returns.