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Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith's Outputs (5)

So-called giftedness and teacher education: issues of equity and inclusion (2016)
Journal Article
Mazzoli Smith, L., & Campbell, R. (2016). So-called giftedness and teacher education: issues of equity and inclusion. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 22(2),

The education of students identified as ‘gifted’ has had a highly problematic history, having been judged as conceptually confused, socially and ethnically discriminatory, and educationally exclusive. Despite this, it is argued that contemporary rese... Read More about So-called giftedness and teacher education: issues of equity and inclusion.

The Progressive Paradigm of Giftedness and the Logic of Neoliberalism (translated into Russian) = Прогрессивная парадигма одаренности и логика неолиберализма: экономические ценности как определяющий фактор ожиданий (2016)
Journal Article
Mazzoli Smith, L., & Chernoivanenko, Y. (2016). The Progressive Paradigm of Giftedness and the Logic of Neoliberalism (translated into Russian) = Прогрессивная парадигма одаренности и логика неолиберализма: экономические ценности как определяющий фактор ожиданий. Social Phenomena, 3(6), 6-16

The paper sets forth an argument that the global landscape of neoliberalism is shaping the field of gifted education in fundamental ways. The core principles of neoliberalism work in opposition to much of what is referred to as ‘the progressive parad... Read More about The Progressive Paradigm of Giftedness and the Logic of Neoliberalism (translated into Russian) = Прогрессивная парадигма одаренности и логика неолиберализма: экономические ценности как определяющий фактор ожиданий.

Educating Urban Youth: Fair or Foul? (2016)
Book Chapter
Laing, K., Mazzoli Smith, L., & Todd, L. (2016). Educating Urban Youth: Fair or Foul?. In S. Davoudi, & D. Bell (Eds.), Justice and fairness in the city (231-248). Policy Press

Poverty Proofing the School Day: Evaluation and Development Report (2016)
Mazzoli Smith, L., & Todd, L. (2016). Poverty Proofing the School Day: Evaluation and Development Report. [No known commissioning body]

The aim of Poverty Proofing the School Day is to remove barriers to learning which exist because of the impacts of living in poverty. The Poverty Proofing audit consists of a whole-school evaluation, a written report and action plan and training for... Read More about Poverty Proofing the School Day: Evaluation and Development Report.