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Professor Amanda Ellison's Outputs (56)

“Distress is probably the wrong word”: exploring uncertainty and ambivalence in non-clinical voice-hearing and the psychosis continuum (2024)
Journal Article
Swyer, A., Woods, A., Ellison, A., & Alderson-Day, B. (online). “Distress is probably the wrong word”: exploring uncertainty and ambivalence in non-clinical voice-hearing and the psychosis continuum. Psychosis: Psychological, Social and Integrative Approaches,

Non-clinical voice-hearers (NCVHs) have been the subject of a growing body of psychological research, a primary aim of which is the development of new therapeutic techniques to support those who struggle with voice-hearing. However, relatively little... Read More about “Distress is probably the wrong word”: exploring uncertainty and ambivalence in non-clinical voice-hearing and the psychosis continuum.

A Scoping Review of the Effects of Ambient Air Quality on Cognitive Frailty (2023)
Journal Article
Hodgson, J. R., Benkowitz, C., Castellani, B. C., Ellison, A., Yassaie, R., Twohig, H., …Fowler-Davis, S. (2024). A Scoping Review of the Effects of Ambient Air Quality on Cognitive Frailty. Environments, 11(1), Article 4.

Environmental and public health research has given considerable attention to the impact of air quality on brain health, with systematic reviews being widespread. No literature review has been conducted for cognitive frailty—a multidimensional syndrom... Read More about A Scoping Review of the Effects of Ambient Air Quality on Cognitive Frailty.

Uncovering the social determinants of brain injury rehabilitation (2023)
Journal Article
Dunne, S., Williams, G. P., Bradbury, C., Keyes, T., Lane, A. R., Yang, K., & Ellison, A. (2023). Uncovering the social determinants of brain injury rehabilitation. Journal of Health Psychology, 28(10),

Social determinants of health (SDH), such as social isolation and loneliness, are often more frequently experienced in brain injury survivors. The paper explores the personal experiences of loneliness among brain injury survivors during lockdown to n... Read More about Uncovering the social determinants of brain injury rehabilitation.

Mitigating the impact of air pollution on dementia and brain health: Setting the policy agenda (2022)
Journal Article
Castellani, B., Bartington, S., Wistow, J., Heckels, N., Ellison, A., Van Tongeren, M., Arnold, S. R., Barbrook-Johnson, P., Bicket, M., Pope, F. D., Russ, T. C., Clarke, C. L., Pirani, M., Schwannauer, M., Vieno, M., Turnbull, R., Gilbert, N., & Reis, S. (2022). Mitigating the impact of air pollution on dementia and brain health: Setting the policy agenda. Environmental Research, 215(2), Article 114362.

Background Emerging research suggests exposure to high levels of air pollution at critical points in the life-course is detrimental to brain health, including cognitive decline and dementia. Social determinants play a significant role, including soci... Read More about Mitigating the impact of air pollution on dementia and brain health: Setting the policy agenda.

Mental health and wellbeing of retired elite and amateur rugby players and non-contact athletes and associations with sports-related concussion: the UK Rugby Health Project (2021)
Journal Article
Hind, K., Konerth, N., Entwistle, I., Hume, P., Theadom, A., Lewis, G., King, D., Goodbourn, T., Bottiglieri, M., Ferraces-Riegas, P., Ellison, A., & Chazot, P. (2022). Mental health and wellbeing of retired elite and amateur rugby players and non-contact athletes and associations with sports-related concussion: the UK Rugby Health Project. Sports Medicine, 52(6), 1419-1431.

Background: Concerns have intensified over the health and wellbeing of rugby union and league players, and in particular, about the longer term effects of concussion. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there were differences in ment... Read More about Mental health and wellbeing of retired elite and amateur rugby players and non-contact athletes and associations with sports-related concussion: the UK Rugby Health Project.

The effects of induced optical blur on visual search performance and training (2021)
Journal Article
Musa, A., Lane, A. R., & Ellison, A. (2022). The effects of induced optical blur on visual search performance and training. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 75(2), 277-288.

Visual Search is a task often used in the rehabilitation of patients with cortical and non-cortical visual pathologies such as visual field loss. Reduced visual acuity is often co-morbid with these disorders and it remains poorly defined how low visu... Read More about The effects of induced optical blur on visual search performance and training.

Maximizing Telerehabilitation for Patients With Visual Loss After Stroke: Interview and Focus Group Study With Stroke Survivors, Carers, and Occupational Therapists (2020)
Journal Article
Dunne, S., Close, H., Richards, N., Ellison, A., & Lane, A. R. (2020). Maximizing Telerehabilitation for Patients With Visual Loss After Stroke: Interview and Focus Group Study With Stroke Survivors, Carers, and Occupational Therapists. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(10), Article e19604.

Background: Visual field defects are a common consequence of stroke, and entraining compensatory eye-movement strategies has been identified as the most promising rehabilitation option. There has been a move towards compensatory telerehabilitation op... Read More about Maximizing Telerehabilitation for Patients With Visual Loss After Stroke: Interview and Focus Group Study With Stroke Survivors, Carers, and Occupational Therapists.

The Role of the Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Attentional Bias (2020)
Journal Article
Knight, H. C., Smith, D. T., & Ellison, A. (2020). The Role of the Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Attentional Bias. Neuropsychologia, 148, Article 107631.

The DLPFC is thought to be critically involved in maintaining attention away from behaviourally irrelevant information, and in the establishment of attentional control settings. These play an important role in the phenomenon of top-down bias to featu... Read More about The Role of the Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Attentional Bias.

The Limitations of Reward Effects on Saccade Latencies: An Exploration of Task-Specificity and Strength (2019)
Journal Article
Dunne, S., Ellison, A., & Smith, D. (2019). The Limitations of Reward Effects on Saccade Latencies: An Exploration of Task-Specificity and Strength. Vision, 3(2), Article 20.

Saccadic eye movements are simple, visually guided actions. Operant conditioning of specific saccade directions can reduce the latency of eye movements in the conditioned direction. However, it is not clear to what extent this learning transfers from... Read More about The Limitations of Reward Effects on Saccade Latencies: An Exploration of Task-Specificity and Strength.

Investigating the roles of medial prefrontal and superior temporal cortex in source monitoring (2018)
Journal Article
Moseley, P., Mitrenga, K., Ellison, A., & Fernyhough, C. (2018). Investigating the roles of medial prefrontal and superior temporal cortex in source monitoring. Neuropsychologia, 120, 113-123.

Source monitoring, or the ability to recall the origin of information, is a crucial aspect of remembering past experience. One facet of this, reality monitoring, refers to the ability to distinguish between internally generated and externally generat... Read More about Investigating the roles of medial prefrontal and superior temporal cortex in source monitoring.

The Pain Divide: a cross-sectional analysis of chronic pain prevalence, pain intensity and opioid utilisation in England (2018)
Journal Article
Todd, A., Akhter, N., Cairns, J.-M., Kasim, A., Walton, N., Ellison, A., Chazot, P., Eldabe, S., & Bambra, C. (2018). The Pain Divide: a cross-sectional analysis of chronic pain prevalence, pain intensity and opioid utilisation in England. BMJ Open, 8(7), Article e023391.

Objectives: Our central research question was, in England, are geographical inequalities in opioid use driven by health need (pain)? To answer this question, our study examined: (1) if there are regional inequalities in rates of chronic pain prevalen... Read More about The Pain Divide: a cross-sectional analysis of chronic pain prevalence, pain intensity and opioid utilisation in England.

Light social drinkers are more distracted by irrelevant information from an induced attentional bias than heavy social drinkers (2018)
Journal Article
Knight, H. C., Smith, D. T., Knight, D. C., & Ellison, A. (2018). Light social drinkers are more distracted by irrelevant information from an induced attentional bias than heavy social drinkers. Psychopharmacology, 235(10), 2967-2978.

It is well established that alcoholics and heavy social drinkers show a bias of attention towards alcohol-related items. Previous research suggests that there is a shared foundation of attentional bias, which is linked to attentional control settings... Read More about Light social drinkers are more distracted by irrelevant information from an induced attentional bias than heavy social drinkers.

The Behavioral Effects of tDCS on Visual Search Performance Are Not Influenced by the Location of the Reference Electrode (2017)
Journal Article
Ellison, A., Ball, K. L., & Lane, A. R. (2017). The Behavioral Effects of tDCS on Visual Search Performance Are Not Influenced by the Location of the Reference Electrode. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 11, Article 520.

We investigated the role of reference electrode placement (ipsilateral v contralateral frontal pole) on conjunction visual search task performance when the transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) cathode is placed over right posterior parietal... Read More about The Behavioral Effects of tDCS on Visual Search Performance Are Not Influenced by the Location of the Reference Electrode.

Comparing the effect of temporal delay on the availability of egocentric and allocentric information in visual search (2017)
Journal Article
Ball, K., Birch, Y., Lane, A., Ellison, A., & Schenk, T. (2017). Comparing the effect of temporal delay on the availability of egocentric and allocentric information in visual search. Behavioural Brain Research, 331, 38-46.

Frames of reference play a central role in perceiving an object’s location and reaching to pick that object up. It is thought that the ventral stream, believed to subserve vision for perception, utilises allocentric coding, while the dorsal stream, a... Read More about Comparing the effect of temporal delay on the availability of egocentric and allocentric information in visual search.

Non-invasive Brain Stimulation and Auditory Verbal Hallucinations: New Techniques and Future Directions (2016)
Journal Article
Moseley, P., Alderson-Day, B., Ellison, A., Jardri, R., & Fernyhough, C. (2016). Non-invasive Brain Stimulation and Auditory Verbal Hallucinations: New Techniques and Future Directions. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 9, Article 515.

Auditory verbal hallucinations (AVHs) are the experience of hearing a voice in the absence of any speaker. Results from recent attempts to treat AVHs with neurostimulation (rTMS or tDCS) to the left temporoparietal junction have not been conclusive,... Read More about Non-invasive Brain Stimulation and Auditory Verbal Hallucinations: New Techniques and Future Directions.

The effect of auditory verbal imagery on signal detection in hallucination-prone individuals (2015)
Journal Article
Moseley, P., Smailes, D., Ellison, A., & Fernyhough, C. (2016). The effect of auditory verbal imagery on signal detection in hallucination-prone individuals. Cognition, 146, 206-216.

Cognitive models have suggested that auditory hallucinations occur when internal mental events, such as inner speech or auditory verbal imagery (AVI), are misattributed to an external source. This has been supported by numerous studies indicating tha... Read More about The effect of auditory verbal imagery on signal detection in hallucination-prone individuals.

Rewards modulate saccade latency but not exogenous spatial attention (2015)
Journal Article
Dunne, S., Ellison, A., & Smith, D. (2015). Rewards modulate saccade latency but not exogenous spatial attention. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, Article 1080.

The eye movement system is sensitive to reward. However, whilst the eye movement system is extremely flexible, the extent to which changes to oculomotor behavior induced by reward paradigms persist beyond the training period or transfer to other ocul... Read More about Rewards modulate saccade latency but not exogenous spatial attention.

Altering attentional control settings causes persistent biases of visual attention (2015)
Journal Article
Knight, H., Smith, D., Knight, D., & Ellison, A. (2015). Altering attentional control settings causes persistent biases of visual attention. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69(1), 129-149.

Attentional control settings have an important role in guiding visual behaviour. Previous work within cognitive psychology has found that the deployment of general attentional control settings can be modulated by training. However, research has not y... Read More about Altering attentional control settings causes persistent biases of visual attention.

Dissociating the neural mechanisms of distance and spatial reference frames (2014)
Journal Article
Lane, A. R., Ball, K., & Ellison, A. (2015). Dissociating the neural mechanisms of distance and spatial reference frames. Neuropsychologia, 74, 42-49.

This study investigated if the neural mechanisms involved in processing distance (near and far) and frame of reference (egocentric and allocentric) can be dissociated. 36 participants completed a conjunction visual search task using either an egocent... Read More about Dissociating the neural mechanisms of distance and spatial reference frames.

The role of the superior temporal lobe in auditory false perceptions: A transcranial direct current stimulation study (2014)
Journal Article
Moseley, P., Fernyhough, C., & Ellison, A. (2014). The role of the superior temporal lobe in auditory false perceptions: A transcranial direct current stimulation study. Neuropsychologia, 62, 202-208.

Neuroimaging has shown that a network of cortical areas, which includes the superior temporal gyrus, is active during auditory verbal hallucinations (AVHs). In the present study, healthy, non-hallucinating participants (N=30) completed an auditory si... Read More about The role of the superior temporal lobe in auditory false perceptions: A transcranial direct current stimulation study.