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Professor Amanda Ellison's Outputs (3)

The role of the parietal cortex in visual attention - hemispheric asymmetires and the effects of learning: A magnetic stimulation study (1998)
Journal Article
Walsh, V., Ellison, A., Ashbridge, E., & Cowey, A. (1998). The role of the parietal cortex in visual attention - hemispheric asymmetires and the effects of learning: A magnetic stimulation study. Neuropsychologia, 37(2), 245-251.

Our previous studies of the role of the parietal cortex in visual learning and attention showed that the right parietal cortex is required for normal performance on conjunction visual search tasks but that its role depends on whether subjects are nai... Read More about The role of the parietal cortex in visual attention - hemispheric asymmetires and the effects of learning: A magnetic stimulation study.

Task-specific impairments and enhancements induced by magnetic stimulation of human visual area V5 (1998)
Journal Article
Walsh, V., Ellison, A., Battelli, L., & Cowey, A. (1998). Task-specific impairments and enhancements induced by magnetic stimulation of human visual area V5. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 265(1395), 537-543.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) can be used to simulate the effects of highly circumscribed brain damage permanently present in some neuropsychological patients, by reversibly disrupting the normal functioning of the cortical area to which it... Read More about Task-specific impairments and enhancements induced by magnetic stimulation of human visual area V5.

Perceptual Learning in visual search: some evidence of specificities (1998)
Journal Article
Ellison, A., & Walsh, V. (1998). Perceptual Learning in visual search: some evidence of specificities. Vision Research, 38(3), 333-345.

To test a recent suggestion that perceptual learning in visual search is non-specific, two groups of subjects were trained on visual search tasks and tested for transfer of learning to new tasks. One group was trained on parallel (“pop-out”) tasks an... Read More about Perceptual Learning in visual search: some evidence of specificities.