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Dr Juergen Schmoll's Outputs (6)

HoLiCam - A New Device For Astrometry (1998)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sanner, J., Dieball, A., Schmoll, J., Reif, K., & Geffert, M. (1998, December). HoLiCam - A New Device For Astrometry

FRD Optimization for PMAS (1998)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Schmoll, J., Popow, E., & Roth, M. (1998, December). FRD Optimization for PMAS

BUSCA: Simultaneous imaging in 4 optical bands. (1998)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Reif, K., Bagschik, K., Klink, G., Kohley, R., Poschmann, H., de Boer, K., Mueller, P., Mebold, U., Schmoll, J., & Heber, U. (1998, September). BUSCA: Simultaneous imaging in 4 optical bands. Presented at Annual Scientific Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft, Heidelberg

The "Bonn University Simultaneous CAmera" (BUSCA) is a CCD camera system for the CA 2.2.m telescope which allows simultaneous direct imaging of the same area in four colors. It is based on three dichroic beam splitters and four large area detectors (... Read More about BUSCA: Simultaneous imaging in 4 optical bands..