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Professor Silvia Pascoli's Outputs (60)

W+W− H production at lepton colliders: a new hope for heavy neutral leptons (2018)
Journal Article
Baglio, J., Pascoli, S., & Weiland, C. (2018). W+W− H production at lepton colliders: a new hope for heavy neutral leptons. The European Physical Journal C, 78(10), Article 795.

We present the first study of the production of a Standard Model Higgs boson at a lepton collider in association with a pair of W bosons, e+e− → W+W− H, in the inverse seesaw model. Taking into account all relevant experimental and theoretical constr... Read More about W+W− H production at lepton colliders: a new hope for heavy neutral leptons.

Safe jet vetoes (2018)
Journal Article
Pascoli, S., Ruiz, R., & Weiland, C. (2018). Safe jet vetoes. Physics Letters B, 786, 106-113.

Central jet vetoes are powerful tools for reducing QCD background in measurements and searches for electroweak and colorless, new physics processes in hadron collisions. In this letter, we report the key findings of a new philosophy to designing sear... Read More about Safe jet vetoes.

Three-flavored nonresonant leptogenesis at intermediate scales (2018)
Journal Article
Moffat, K., Pascoli, S., Petcov, S., Schulz, H., & Turner, J. (2018). Three-flavored nonresonant leptogenesis at intermediate scales. Physical Review D, 98(1), Article 015036.

Leptogenesis can successfully explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry via out-of-equilibrium decays of heavy Majorana neutrinos in the early Universe. In this article, we focus on nonresonant thermal leptogenesis and the possibility of lowering its s... Read More about Three-flavored nonresonant leptogenesis at intermediate scales.

Dark matter-neutrino interactions through the lens of their cosmological implications (2018)
Journal Article
Olivares-Del Campo, A., Bœhm, C., Palomares-Ruiz, S., & Pascoli, S. (2018). Dark matter-neutrino interactions through the lens of their cosmological implications. Physical Review D, 97(7), Article 075039.

Dark matter and neutrinos provide the two most compelling pieces of evidence for new physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics, but they are often treated as two different sectors. The aim of this paper is to determine whether there are v... Read More about Dark matter-neutrino interactions through the lens of their cosmological implications.

A new smooth-k space filter approach to calculate halo abundances (2018)
Journal Article
Leo, M., Baugh, C. M., Li, B., & Pascoli, S. (2018). A new smooth-k space filter approach to calculate halo abundances. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2018(04), Article 010.

We propose a new filter, a smooth-k space filter, to use in the Press-Schechter approach to model the dark matter halo mass function which overcomes shortcomings of other filters. We test this against the mass function measured in N-body simulations.... Read More about A new smooth-k space filter approach to calculate halo abundances.

Baryogenesis via leptonic CP-violating phase transition (2018)
Journal Article
Pascoli, S., Turner, J., & Zhou, Y. (2018). Baryogenesis via leptonic CP-violating phase transition. Physics Letters B, 780, 313-318.

We propose a new mechanism to generate a lepton asymmetry based on the vacuum CP-violating phase transition (CPPT). This approach differs from classical thermal leptogenesis as a specific seesaw model, and its UV completion, need not be specified. Th... Read More about Baryogenesis via leptonic CP-violating phase transition.

The effect of thermal velocities on structure formation in N-body simulations of warm dark matter (2017)
Journal Article
Leo, M., Baugh, C., Li, B., & Pascoli, S. (2017). The effect of thermal velocities on structure formation in N-body simulations of warm dark matter. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2017(11), Article 017.

We investigate the impact of thermal velocities in N-body simulations of structure formation in warm dark matter models. Adopting the commonly used approach of adding thermal velocities, randomly selected from a Fermi-Dirac distribution, to the gravi... Read More about The effect of thermal velocities on structure formation in N-body simulations of warm dark matter.

Sensitivities and synergies of DUNE and T2HK (2017)
Journal Article
Ballett, P., King, S. F., Pascoli, S., Prouse, N. W., & Wang, T. (2017). Sensitivities and synergies of DUNE and T2HK. Physical Review D, 96(3), Article 033003.

Long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments, in particular the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) and Tokai to Hyper-Kamiokande (T2HK), will lead the effort in the precision determination of the as yet unknown parameters of the leptonic m... Read More about Sensitivities and synergies of DUNE and T2HK.

MeV-scale sterile neutrino decays at the Fermilab Short-Baseline Neutrino program (2017)
Journal Article
Ballett, P., Pascoli, S., & Ross-Lonergan, M. (2017). MeV-scale sterile neutrino decays at the Fermilab Short-Baseline Neutrino program. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(04), Article 102.

Nearly-sterile neutrinos with masses in the MeV range and below would be produced in the beam of the Short-Baseline Neutrino (SBN) program at Fermilab. In this article, we study the potential for SBN to discover these particles through their subseque... Read More about MeV-scale sterile neutrino decays at the Fermilab Short-Baseline Neutrino program.

Precision neutrino experiments vs the Littlest Seesaw (2017)
Journal Article
Ballett, P., King, S. F., Pascoli, S., Prouse, N., & Wang, T. (2017). Precision neutrino experiments vs the Littlest Seesaw. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(03), Article 110.

We study to what extent upcoming precision neutrino oscillation experiments will be able to exclude one of the most predictive models of neutrino mass and mixing: the Littlest Seesaw. We show that this model provides a good fit to current data, predi... Read More about Precision neutrino experiments vs the Littlest Seesaw.

Flavon-induced connections between lepton flavour mixing and charged lepton flavour violation processes (2016)
Journal Article
Pascoli, S., & Zhou, Y. (2016). Flavon-induced connections between lepton flavour mixing and charged lepton flavour violation processes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(10), Article 145.

In leptonic flavour models with discrete flavour symmetries, couplings between flavons and leptons can result in special flavour structures after they gain vacuum expectation values. At the same time, they can also contribute to the other lepton-flav... Read More about Flavon-induced connections between lepton flavour mixing and charged lepton flavour violation processes.

The role of flavon cross couplings in leptonic flavour mixing (2016)
Journal Article
Pascoli, S., & Zhou, Y. (2016). The role of flavon cross couplings in leptonic flavour mixing. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(06), Article 073.

In models with discrete flavour symmetries, flavons are critical to realise specific flavour structures. Leptonic flavour mixing originates from the misalignment of flavon vacuum expectation values which respect different residual symmetries in the c... Read More about The role of flavon cross couplings in leptonic flavour mixing.

Dark matter–radiation interactions: the structure of Milky Way satellite galaxies (2016)
Journal Article
Schewtschenko, J., Baugh, C., Wilkinson, R., Boehm, C., Pascoli, S., & Sawala, T. (2016). Dark matter–radiation interactions: the structure of Milky Way satellite galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 461(3), 2282-2287.

In the thermal dark matter (DM) paradigm, primordial interactions between DM and Standard Model particles are responsible for the observed DM relic density. In Boehm et al. (2014), we showed that weak-strength interactions between DM and radiation (p... Read More about Dark matter–radiation interactions: the structure of Milky Way satellite galaxies.

Galaxy cluster lensing masses in modified lensing potentials (2015)
Journal Article
Barreira, A., Li, B., Jennings, E., Merten, J., King, L., Baugh, C., & Pascoli, S. (2015). Galaxy cluster lensing masses in modified lensing potentials. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 454(4), 4085-4102.

We determine the concentration–mass relation of 19 X-ray selected galaxy clusters from the Cluster Lensing and Supernova Survey with Hubble survey in theories of gravity that directly modify the lensing potential. We model the clusters as Navarro–Fre... Read More about Galaxy cluster lensing masses in modified lensing potentials.

Mixing angle and phase correlations from A5 with generalized CP and their prospects for discovery (2015)
Journal Article
Ballett, P., Pascoli, S., & Turner, J. (2015). Mixing angle and phase correlations from A5 with generalized CP and their prospects for discovery. Physical Review D, 92(9), Article 093008.

The observed leptonic mixing pattern could be explained by the presence of a discrete flavor symmetry broken into residual subgroups at low energies. In this scenario, a residual generalized charge parity (CP) symmetry allows the parameters of the Po... Read More about Mixing angle and phase correlations from A5 with generalized CP and their prospects for discovery.

Weak lensing by voids in modified lensing potentials (2015)
Journal Article
Barreira, A., Cautun, M., Li, B., Baugh, C., & Pascoli, S. (2015). Weak lensing by voids in modified lensing potentials. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2015(08),

We study lensing by voids in Cubic Galileon and Nonlocal gravity cosmologies, which are examples of theories of gravity that modify the lensing potential. We find voids in the dark matter and halo density fields of N-body simulations and compute thei... Read More about Weak lensing by voids in modified lensing potentials.

Dark matter-radiation interactions: the impact on dark matter haloes (2015)
Journal Article
Schewtschenko, J., Wilkinson, R., Baugh, C., Boehm, C., & Pascoli, S. (2015). Dark matter-radiation interactions: the impact on dark matter haloes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 449(4), 3587-3596.

Interactions between dark matter (DM) and radiation (photons or neutrinos) in the early Universe suppress density fluctuations on small mass scales. Here, we perform a thorough analysis of structure formation in the fully non-linear regime using N-bo... Read More about Dark matter-radiation interactions: the impact on dark matter haloes.

Testing solar lepton mixing sum rules in neutrino oscillation experiments (2014)
Journal Article
Ballett, P., King, S., Luhn, C., Pascoli, S., & Schmidt, M. (2014). Testing solar lepton mixing sum rules in neutrino oscillation experiments. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(12), Article 122.

Small discrete family symmetries such as S4, A4 or A5 may lead to simple leading-order predictions for the neutrino mixing matrix such as the bimaximal, tribimaximal or golden ratio mixing patterns, which may be brought into agreement with experiment... Read More about Testing solar lepton mixing sum rules in neutrino oscillation experiments.

Nonlinear structure formation in Nonlocal Gravity (2014)
Journal Article
Barreira, A., Li, B., Hellwing, W., Baugh, C., & Pascoli, S. (2014). Nonlinear structure formation in Nonlocal Gravity. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2014(09), Article 031.

We study the nonlinear growth of structure in nonlocal gravity models with the aid of N-body simulation and the spherical collapse and halo models. We focus on a model in which the inverse-squared of the d'Alembertian operator acts on the Ricci scala... Read More about Nonlinear structure formation in Nonlocal Gravity.