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Professor Simon Cornish's Outputs (1)

Measurement of the muonium 1S-2S transition frequency (1998)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Meyer, V., Bagayev, S., Baird, P., Bakule, P., Boshier, M., Breitruck, A., Cornish, S., Dychkov, S., Eaton, G., Grossman, A., Hubl, D., Hughes, V., Jungmann, K., Lane, I., Liu, Y., Lucas, D., Matyugin, Y., Merkel, J., Putlitz, G., Reinhard, I., …Yakhontov, V. (1998, December). Measurement of the muonium 1S-2S transition frequency. Presented at 1998 CONFERENCE ON PRECISION ELECTROMAGNETIC MEASUREMENTS DIGEST