Chronos: A NIR spectroscopic galaxy survey to probe the most fundamental stages of galaxy evolution
Journal Article
Ferreras, I., Cropper, M., Sharples, R., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Bruzual, G., Charlot, S., Conselice, C., Driver, S., Dunlop, J., Hopkins, A., Kaviraj, S., Kitching, T., Barbera, F. L., Lahav, O., Pasquali, A., Serjeant, S., Silk, J., & Windhorst, R. (2021). Chronos: A NIR spectroscopic galaxy survey to probe the most fundamental stages of galaxy evolution. Experimental Astronomy, 51(3),
We propose a dedicated, ultra-deep spectroscopic survey in the near infrared (NIR), that will target a mass-limited sample of galaxies during two of the most fundamental epochs of cosmic evolution: the formation of the first galaxies (at z ≳ 6; cosmi... Read More about Chronos: A NIR spectroscopic galaxy survey to probe the most fundamental stages of galaxy evolution.