Characterisation and testing of CHEC-M—A camera prototype for the small-sized telescopes of the Cherenkov telescope array
Journal Article
Zorn, J., White, R., Watson, J., Armstrong, T., Balzer, A., Barcelo, M., …Zink, A. (2018). Characterisation and testing of CHEC-M—A camera prototype for the small-sized telescopes of the Cherenkov telescope array. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 904, 44-63.
The Compact High Energy Camera (CHEC) is a camera design for the Small-Sized Telescopes (SSTs; 4 m diameter mirror) of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). The SSTs are focused on very-high-energy -ray detection via atmospheric Cherenkov light detect... Read More about Characterisation and testing of CHEC-M—A camera prototype for the small-sized telescopes of the Cherenkov telescope array.