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Professor Paula Chadwick's Outputs (4)

Photohadronic modelling of the 2010 gamma-ray flare from Mrk 421 (2020)
Journal Article
Rosales de León, A., Brown, A. M., & Chadwick, P. M. (2021). Photohadronic modelling of the 2010 gamma-ray flare from Mrk 421. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 501(2), 2198-2208.

Blazars are a subclass of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) that have a relativistic jet with a small viewing angle towards the observer. Recent results based on hadronic scenarios have motivated an ongoing discussion of how a blazar can produce high ene... Read More about Photohadronic modelling of the 2010 gamma-ray flare from Mrk 421.

Locating the gamma-ray emission region in the brightest Fermi-LAT Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars (2020)
Journal Article
Acharyya, A., Chadwick, P. M., & Brown, A. M. (2021). Locating the gamma-ray emission region in the brightest Fermi-LAT Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 500(4), 5297-5321.

We present a temporal and spectral analysis of the gamma-ray flux from nine of the brightest flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) detected with the Fermi Large Area Telescope during its first 8 yr of operation, with the aim of constraining the locatio... Read More about Locating the gamma-ray emission region in the brightest Fermi-LAT Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars.

A search for γ-ray emission from a sample of local universe low-frequency selected radio galaxies (2020)
Journal Article
Harvey, M., Rulten, C. B., & Chadwick, P. M. (2020). A search for γ-ray emission from a sample of local universe low-frequency selected radio galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 496(1), 903-912.

Radio galaxies are uncommon γ-ray emitters, and only low redshift radio galaxies are detected with Fermi-LAT. However, they offer potential insights into the emission mechanisms of active galaxies, particularly as the alignment of their jets with res... Read More about A search for γ-ray emission from a sample of local universe low-frequency selected radio galaxies.

A search for Centaurus A-like features in the spectra of Fermi-LAT detected radio galaxies (2020)
Journal Article
Rulten, C. B., Brown, A. M., & Chadwick, P. M. (2020). A search for Centaurus A-like features in the spectra of Fermi-LAT detected radio galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 492(2), 4666-4679.

Motivated by the detection of a hardening in the γ-ray spectrum of the radio galaxy CentaurusA, we have analysed ∼10 years of Fermi-LAT observations of 26 radio galaxies to search for similar spectral features. We find that the majority of the radio... Read More about A search for Centaurus A-like features in the spectra of Fermi-LAT detected radio galaxies.