Precise determination of the strong coupling constant at NNLO in QCD from the three-jet rate in electron-positron annihilation at LEP
Journal Article
Dissertori, G., Gehrmann-De Ridder, A., Gehrmann, T., Glover, E., Heinrich, G., & Stenzel, H. (2010). Precise determination of the strong coupling constant at NNLO in QCD from the three-jet rate in electron-positron annihilation at LEP. Physical Review Letters, 104(7), Article 072002.
Professor Nigel Glover's Outputs (6)
Calculation of the quark and gluon form factors to three loops in QCD (2010)
Journal Article
Gehrmann, T., Glover, E., Huber, T., Ikizlerli, N., & Studerus, C. (2010). Calculation of the quark and gluon form factors to three loops in QCD. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1006,
The quark and gluon form factors to three loops in QCD through to O(eps^2) (2010)
Journal Article
Gehrmann, T., Glover, E., Huber, T., Ikizlerli, N., & Studerus, C. (2010). The quark and gluon form factors to three loops in QCD through to O(eps^2). Journal of High Energy Physics, 1011,
One-loop Higgs plus four gluon amplitudes: Full analytic results (2010)
Journal Article
Badger, S., Glover, E., Mastrolia, P., & Williams, C. (2010). One-loop Higgs plus four gluon amplitudes: Full analytic results. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1001,
The One-loop pentagon to higher orders in epsilon. (2010)
Journal Article
Del Duca, V., Duhr, C., Glover, E., & Smirnov, V. A. (2010). The One-loop pentagon to higher orders in epsilon. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010(1),
Antenna subtraction for gluon scattering at NNLO (2010)
Journal Article
Glover, E., & Pires, J. (2010). Antenna subtraction for gluon scattering at NNLO. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010(6), Article 096.