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Professor Carlos Frenk's Outputs (12)

The properties of submm galaxies in hierarchical models (2008)
Journal Article
Swinbank, A., Lacey, C., Smail, I., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., Blain, A., …Hainline, L. (2008). The properties of submm galaxies in hierarchical models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 391(1), 420-434.

We use the combined GALFORM semi-analytical model of galaxy formation and GRASIL spectrophotometric code to investigate the properties of galaxies selected via their submillimetre (submm) emission. The fiducial model we use has previously been shown... Read More about The properties of submm galaxies in hierarchical models.

The colours of satellite galaxies in groups and clusters (2008)
Journal Article
Font, A., Bower, R., McCarthy, I., Benson, A., Frenk, C., Helly, J., …Cole, S. (2008). The colours of satellite galaxies in groups and clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 389(4), 1619-1629.

Current models of galaxy formation predict satellite galaxies in groups and clusters that are redder than observed. We investigate the effect on the colours of satellite galaxies produced by the ram-pressure stripping of their hot-gaseous atmospheres... Read More about The colours of satellite galaxies in groups and clusters.

The redshift dependence of the structure of massive Λ cold dark matter haloes (2008)
Journal Article
Gao, L., Navarro, J., Cole, S., Frenk, C., White, S., Springel, V., …Neto, A. (2008). The redshift dependence of the structure of massive Λ cold dark matter haloes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 387(2), 536-544.

We use two very large cosmological simulations to study how the density profiles of relaxed Λ cold dark matter dark haloes depend on redshift and on halo mass. We confirm that these profiles deviate slightly but systematically from the NFW form and a... Read More about The redshift dependence of the structure of massive Λ cold dark matter haloes.

Galaxy evolution in the infrared : comparison of a hierarchical galaxy formation model with Spitzer data (2008)
Journal Article
Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., Silva, L., Granato, G., & Bressan, A. (2008). Galaxy evolution in the infrared : comparison of a hierarchical galaxy formation model with Spitzer data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 385(3), 1155-1178.

We present predictions for the evolution of the galaxy luminosity function, number counts and redshift distributions in the infrared (IR) based on the ΛCDM cosmological model. We use the combined GALFORM semi-analytical galaxy formation model and GRA... Read More about Galaxy evolution in the infrared : comparison of a hierarchical galaxy formation model with Spitzer data.

Ram pressure stripping the hot gaseous haloes of galaxies in groups and clusters (2008)
Journal Article
McCarthy, I., Frenk, C., Font, A., Lacey, C., Bower, R., Mitchell, N., …Theuns, T. (2008). Ram pressure stripping the hot gaseous haloes of galaxies in groups and clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 383(2), 593-605.

We use a large suite of carefully controlled full hydrodynamic simulations to study the ram pressure stripping of the hot gaseous haloes of galaxies as they fall into massive groups and clusters. The sensitivity of the results to the orbit, total gal... Read More about Ram pressure stripping the hot gaseous haloes of galaxies in groups and clusters.

Virial Scaling of Massive Dark Matter Halos: Why Clusters Prefer a High Normalization Cosmology (2008)
Journal Article
Evrard, A., Bialek, J., Busha, M., White, M., Habib, S., Heitmann, K., …Diemand, J. (2008). Virial Scaling of Massive Dark Matter Halos: Why Clusters Prefer a High Normalization Cosmology. Astrophysical Journal, 672(1), 122-137.

We present a precise estimate of the bulk virial scaling relation of halos formed via hierarchical clustering in an ensemble of simulated cold dark matter cosmologies. The result is insensitive to cosmological parameters; the presence of a trace, dis... Read More about Virial Scaling of Massive Dark Matter Halos: Why Clusters Prefer a High Normalization Cosmology.

The detectability of baryonic acoustic oscillations in future galaxy surveys (2008)
Journal Article
Angulo, R., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., & Lacey, C. (2008). The detectability of baryonic acoustic oscillations in future galaxy surveys. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 383(2), 755-776.

We assess the detectability of baryonic acoustic oscillation (BAO) in the power spectrum of galaxies using ultralarge volume N-body simulations of the hierarchical clustering of dark matter and semi-analytical modelling of galaxy formation. A step-by... Read More about The detectability of baryonic acoustic oscillations in future galaxy surveys.