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Professor Alastair Edge's Outputs (335)

Atacama Compact Array Measurements of the Molecular Mass in the NGC 5044 Cooling-flow Group (2020)
Journal Article
Schellenberger, G., David, L. P., Vrtilek, J., O’Sullivan, E., Lim, J., Forman, W., Sun, M., Combes, F., Salome, P., Jones, C., Giacintucci, S., Edge, A., Gastaldello, F., Temi, P., Brighenti, F., & Bardelli, S. (2020). Atacama Compact Array Measurements of the Molecular Mass in the NGC 5044 Cooling-flow Group. Astrophysical Journal, 894(1), Article 72.

The fate of cooling gas in the centers of galaxy clusters and groups is still not well understood, as is also the case for the complex processes of triggering star formation in central dominant galaxies, reheating of cooled gas by active galactic nuc... Read More about Atacama Compact Array Measurements of the Molecular Mass in the NGC 5044 Cooling-flow Group.

The BUFFALO HST Survey (2020)
Journal Article
Steinhardt, C. L., Jauzac, M., Acebron, A., Atek, H., Capak, P., Davidzon, I., Eckert, D., Harvey, D., Koekemoer, A. M., Lagos, C. D., Mahler, G., Montes, M., Niemiec, A., Nonino, M., Oesch, P., Richard, J., Rodney, S. A., Schaller, M., Sharon, K., Strolger, L.-G., …Zitrin, A. (2020). The BUFFALO HST Survey. Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 247(2), Article 64.

The Beyond Ultra-deep Frontier Fields and Legacy Observations (BUFFALO) is a 101 orbit + 101 parallel Cycle 25 Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Treasury program taking data from 2018 to 2020. BUFFALO will expand existing coverage of the Hubble Frontier F... Read More about The BUFFALO HST Survey.

Origins of Molecular Clouds in Early-type Galaxies (2019)
Journal Article
Babyk, I. V., McNamara, B., Tamhane, P., Nulsen, P., Russell, H., & Edge, A. (2019). Origins of Molecular Clouds in Early-type Galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 887(2), Article 149.

We analyze Chandra observations of the hot atmospheres of 40 early spiral and elliptical galaxies. Using new temperature, density, cooling time, and mass profiles, we explore relationships between their hot atmospheres and cold molecular gas. Molecul... Read More about Origins of Molecular Clouds in Early-type Galaxies.

Discovery of a Powerful >1061 erg AGN Outburst in the Distant Galaxy Cluster SPT-CLJ0528-5300 (2019)
Journal Article
Calzadilla, M. S., McDonald, M., Bayliss, M., Benson, B. A., Bleem, L. E., Brodwin, M., Edge, A. C., Floyd, B., Gupta, N., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., McNamara, B. R., & Reichardt, C. L. (2019). Discovery of a Powerful >1061 erg AGN Outburst in the Distant Galaxy Cluster SPT-CLJ0528-5300. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 887(1), Article L17.

We present ~103 ks of Chandra observations of the galaxy cluster SPT-CLJ0528-5300 (SPT0528, z = 0.768). This cluster harbors the most radio-loud (L 1.4GHz = 1.01 × 1033 erg s−1 Hz−1) central active galactic nucleus (AGN) of any cluster in the South P... Read More about Discovery of a Powerful >1061 erg AGN Outburst in the Distant Galaxy Cluster SPT-CLJ0528-5300.

KiDS+VIKING-450: A new combined optical and near-infrared dataset for cosmology and astrophysics (2019)
Journal Article
Wright, A. H., Hildebrandt, H., Kuijken, K., Erben, T., Blake, R., Buddelmeijer, H., Choi, A., Cross, N., de Jong, J. T., Edge, A., Gonzalez-Fernandez, C., González Solares, E., Grado, A., Heymans, C., Irwin, M., Kupcu Yoldas, A., Lewis, J. R., Mann, R. G., Napolitano, N., Radovich, M., …Verdoes Kleijn, G. A. (2019). KiDS+VIKING-450: A new combined optical and near-infrared dataset for cosmology and astrophysics. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 632, Article A34.

We present the curation and verification of a new combined optical and near infrared dataset for cosmology and astrophysics, derived by combining ugri-band imaging from the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS) and ZYJHKs-band imaging from the VISTA Kilo degree... Read More about KiDS+VIKING-450: A new combined optical and near-infrared dataset for cosmology and astrophysics.

Ubiquitous cold and massive filaments in cool core clusters (2019)
Journal Article
Olivares, V., Salome, P., Combes, F., Hamer, S., Guillard, P., Lehnert, M., Polles, F., Beckmann, R., Dubois, Y., Donahue, M., Edge, A., Fabian, A., McNamara, B., Rose, T., Russell, H., Tremblay, G., Vantyghem, A., Canning, R., Ferland, G., Godard, B., …Pineau des Forets, G. (2019). Ubiquitous cold and massive filaments in cool core clusters. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 631, Article A22.

Multi-phase filamentary structures around brightest cluster galaxies (BCG) are likely a key step of AGN-feedback. We observed molecular gas in three cool cluster cores, namely Centaurus, Abell S1101, and RXJ1539.5, and gathered ALMA (Atacama Large Mi... Read More about Ubiquitous cold and massive filaments in cool core clusters.

Radio Spectra and Sizes of Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array-identified Submillimeter Galaxies: Evidence of Age-related Spectral Curvature and Cosmic-Ray Diffusion? (2019)
Journal Article
Thomson, A., Smail, I., Swinbank, A., Simpson, J., Arumugam, V., Stach, S., Murphy, E., Rujopakarn, W., Almaini, O., An, F., Blain, A., Chen, C., Cooke, E., Dudzevičiūtė, U., Edge, A., Farrah, D., Gullberg, B., Hartley, W., Ibar, E., Maltby, D., …Wardlow, J. (2019). Radio Spectra and Sizes of Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array-identified Submillimeter Galaxies: Evidence of Age-related Spectral Curvature and Cosmic-Ray Diffusion?. Astrophysical Journal, 883(2), Article 204.

We analyze the multifrequency radio spectral properties of 41 6 GHz-detected Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)-identified, submillimeter galaxies (SMGs), observed at 610 MHz, 1.4 GHz, and 6 GHz with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telesco... Read More about Radio Spectra and Sizes of Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array-identified Submillimeter Galaxies: Evidence of Age-related Spectral Curvature and Cosmic-Ray Diffusion?.

Driving massive molecular gas flows in central cluster galaxies with AGN feedback (2019)
Journal Article
Russell, H., McNamara, B., Fabian, A., Nulsen, P., Combes, F., Edge, A., Madar, M., Olivares, V., Salomé, P., & Vantyghem, A. (2019). Driving massive molecular gas flows in central cluster galaxies with AGN feedback. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 490(3), 3025-3045.

We present an analysis of new and archival ALMA observations of molecular gas in 12 central cluster galaxies. We examine emerging trends in molecular filament morphology and gas velocities to understand their origins. Molecular gas masses in these sy... Read More about Driving massive molecular gas flows in central cluster galaxies with AGN feedback.

Constraining cold accretion onto supermassive black holes: molecular gas in the cores of eight brightest cluster galaxies revealed by joint CO and CN absorption (2019)
Journal Article
Rose, T., Edge, A., Combes, F., Gaspari, M., Hamer, S., Nesvadba, N., Peck, A., Sarazin, C., Tremblay, G., Baum, S., Bremer, M., McNamara, B., O’Dea, C., Oonk, J., Russell, H., Salomé, P., Donahue, M., Fabian, A., Ferland, G., Mittal, R., & Vantyghem, A. (2019). Constraining cold accretion onto supermassive black holes: molecular gas in the cores of eight brightest cluster galaxies revealed by joint CO and CN absorption. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489(1), 349-365.

To advance our understanding of the fuelling and feedback processes which power the Universe’s most massive black holes, we require a significant increase in our knowledge of the molecular gas which exists in their immediate surroundings. However, th... Read More about Constraining cold accretion onto supermassive black holes: molecular gas in the cores of eight brightest cluster galaxies revealed by joint CO and CN absorption.

Revealing a Highly Dynamic Cluster Core in Abell 1664 with Chandra (2019)
Journal Article
Calzadilla, M. S., Russell, H. R., McDonald, M. A., Fabian, A. C., Baum, S. A., Combes, F., Donahue, M., Edge, A. C., McNamara, B. R., Nulsen, P. E., O’Dea, C. P., Oonk, J. R., Tremblay, G. R., & Vantyghem, A. N. (2019). Revealing a Highly Dynamic Cluster Core in Abell 1664 with Chandra. Astrophysical Journal, 875(1), Article 65.

We present new, deep (245 ks) Chandra observations of the galaxy cluster Abell 1664 (z = 0.1283). These images reveal rich structure, including elongation and accompanying compressions of the X-ray isophotes in the NE–SW direction, suggesting that th... Read More about Revealing a Highly Dynamic Cluster Core in Abell 1664 with Chandra.

RELICS: Strong Lensing Analysis of MACS J0417.5–1154 and Predictions for Observing the Magnified High-redshift Universe with JWST (2019)
Journal Article
Mahler, G., Sharon, K., Fox, C., Coe, D., Jauzac, M., Strait, V., Edge, A., Acebron, A., Andrade-Santos, F., Avila, R. J., Bradač, M., Bradley, L. D., Carrasco, D., Cerny, C., Cibirka, N., Czakon, N. G., Dawson, W. A., Frye, B. L., Hoag, A. T., Huang, K.-H., …Zitrin, A. (2019). RELICS: Strong Lensing Analysis of MACS J0417.5–1154 and Predictions for Observing the Magnified High-redshift Universe with JWST. Astrophysical Journal, 873(1), Article 96.

Strong gravitational lensing by clusters of galaxies probes the mass distribution at the core of each cluster and magnifies the universe behind it. MACS J0417.5−1154 at z = 0.443 is one of the most massive clusters known based on weak lensing, X-ray,... Read More about RELICS: Strong Lensing Analysis of MACS J0417.5–1154 and Predictions for Observing the Magnified High-redshift Universe with JWST.

Deep and narrow CO absorption revealing molecular clouds in the Hydra-A brightest cluster galaxy (2019)
Journal Article
Rose, T., Edge, A., Combes, F., Gaspari, M., Hamer, S., Nesvadba, N., Russell, H., Tremblay, G., Baum, S., O’Dea, C., Peck, A., Sarazin, C., Vantyghem, A., Bremer, M., Donahue, M., Fabian, A., Ferland, G., McNamara, B., Mittal, R., Oonk, J., …Voit, M. (2019). Deep and narrow CO absorption revealing molecular clouds in the Hydra-A brightest cluster galaxy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 485(1), 229-238.

Active galactic nuclei play a crucial role in the accretion and ejection of gas in galaxies. Although their outflows are well studied, finding direct evidence of accretion has proved very difficult and has so far been done for very few sources. A pro... Read More about Deep and narrow CO absorption revealing molecular clouds in the Hydra-A brightest cluster galaxy.

Quantifying the suppression of the (un)-obscured star formation in galaxy cluster cores at 0.2≲ z ≲0.9 (2019)
Journal Article
Rodríguez-Muñoz, L., Rodighiero, G., Mancini, C., Pérez-González, P., Rawle, T., Egami, E., Mercurio, A., Rosati, P., Puglisi, A., Franceschini, A., Balestra, I., Baronchelli, I., Biviano, A., Ebeling, H., Edge, A., Enia, A., Grillo, C., Haines, C., Iani, E., Jones, T., …Zemcov, M. (2019). Quantifying the suppression of the (un)-obscured star formation in galaxy cluster cores at 0.2≲ z ≲0.9. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 485(1), 586-619.

We quantify the star formation (SF) in the inner cores (⁠R/R200 ≤0.3) of 24 massive galaxy clusters at 0.2≲ z ≲0.9 observed by the Herschel Lensing Survey and the Cluster Lensing and Supernova survey with Hubble. These programmes, covering the rest-f... Read More about Quantifying the suppression of the (un)-obscured star formation in galaxy cluster cores at 0.2≲ z ≲0.9.

The SCUBA-2 Cluster Snapshot Survey – I. Catalogue of lensed galaxies and submillimetre-bright central galaxies (2019)
Journal Article
Cheale, R. A., Geach, J. E., Edge, A. C., Blain, A. W., Chapman, S. C., Egami, E., Hogan, M. T., Rawle, T. D., & Webb, T. M. (2019). The SCUBA-2 Cluster Snapshot Survey – I. Catalogue of lensed galaxies and submillimetre-bright central galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 484(2), 2757-2778.

The SCUBA-2 Cluster Snapshot Survey (S2CSS) observed 202 rich clusters of galaxies at 850 μm in relatively poor submillimetre observing conditions (⁠τ225GHz>0.1⁠) with the aim of identifying rare examples of bright (tens of mJy) gravitationally lense... Read More about The SCUBA-2 Cluster Snapshot Survey – I. Catalogue of lensed galaxies and submillimetre-bright central galaxies.

Prevalence of radio jets associated with galactic outflows and feedback from quasars (2019)
Journal Article
Jarvis, M., Harrison, C., Thomson, A., Circosta, C., Mainieri, V., Alexander, D., Edge, A., Lansbury, G., Molyneux, S., & Mullaney, J. (2019). Prevalence of radio jets associated with galactic outflows and feedback from quasars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 485(2), 2710-2730.

We present 1–7 GHz high-resolution radio imaging (VLA and e-MERLIN) and spatially resolved ionized gas kinematics for 10 z < 0.2 type 2 ‘obscured’ quasars (log [LAGN/erg s−1] 45) with moderate radio luminosities (log[L1.4 GHz/W Hz−1] = 23.3–24.4). Th... Read More about Prevalence of radio jets associated with galactic outflows and feedback from quasars.

An Enormous Molecular Gas Flow in the RX J0821+0752 Galaxy Cluster (2019)
Journal Article
Vantyghem, A., McNamara, B., Russell, H., Edge, A., Nulsen, P., Combes, F., Fabian, A., McDonald, M., & Salomé, P. (2019). An Enormous Molecular Gas Flow in the RX J0821+0752 Galaxy Cluster. Astrophysical Journal, 870(2), Article 57.

We present recent Chandra X-ray observations of the RX J0821.0+0752 galaxy cluster, in addition to ALMA observations of the CO(1–0) and CO(3–2) line emission tracing the molecular gas in its central galaxy. All of the CO line emission, originating fr... Read More about An Enormous Molecular Gas Flow in the RX J0821+0752 Galaxy Cluster.

Discovery of a diffuse optical line emitting halo in the core of the Centaurus cluster of galaxies: line emission outside the protection of the filaments (2018)
Journal Article
Hamer, S., Fabian, A., Russell, H., Salomé, P., Combes, F., Olivares, V., Polles, F., Edge, A., & Beckmann, R. (2019). Discovery of a diffuse optical line emitting halo in the core of the Centaurus cluster of galaxies: line emission outside the protection of the filaments. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 483(4), 4984-4998.

We present the discovery of diffuse optical line emission in the Centaurus cluster seen with the MUSE (Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer) integral field unit. The unparalleled sensitivity of MUSE allows us to detect the faint emission from these stru... Read More about Discovery of a diffuse optical line emitting halo in the core of the Centaurus cluster of galaxies: line emission outside the protection of the filaments.

The core of the massive cluster merger MACS J0417.5-1154 as seen by VLT/MUSE (2018)
Journal Article
Jauzac, M., Mahler, G., Edge, A. C., Sharon, K., Gillman, S., Ebeling, H., Harvey, D., Richard, J., Hamer, S. L., Fumagalli, M., Swinbank, A. M., Kneib, J.-P., Massey, R., & Salomé, P. (2018). The core of the massive cluster merger MACS J0417.5-1154 as seen by VLT/MUSE. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 483(3), 3082-3097.

We present a multiwavelength analysis of the core of the massive galaxy cluster MACS J0417.5−1154 (⁠z = 0.441). Our analysis takes advantage of Very Large Telescope/Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer observations which allow the spectroscopic confirma... Read More about The core of the massive cluster merger MACS J0417.5-1154 as seen by VLT/MUSE.

A Galaxy-scale Fountain of Cold Molecular Gas Pumped by a Black Hole (2018)
Journal Article
Tremblay, G., Combes, F., Oonk, J., Russell, H., McDonald, M., Gaspari, M., …ZuHone, J. (2018). A Galaxy-scale Fountain of Cold Molecular Gas Pumped by a Black Hole. Astrophysical Journal, 865(1), Article 13.

We present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array and Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer observations of the brightest cluster galaxy in Abell 2597, a nearby (z = 0.0821) cool core cluster of galaxies. The data map the kinematics of a three bill... Read More about A Galaxy-scale Fountain of Cold Molecular Gas Pumped by a Black Hole.

The nature of the variable millimetre–selected AGN in the brightest cluster galaxy of Abell 851 (2018)
Journal Article
Cheale, R., Geach, J., Edge, A., Perrott, Y., & Cantwell, T. (2018). The nature of the variable millimetre–selected AGN in the brightest cluster galaxy of Abell 851. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 481(1), L54-L58.

We present the detection of a bright 3 mm continuum source in the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) in Abell 0851 (z = 0.411) with the NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array (NOEMA). When this detection is compared to other multifrequency observations acros... Read More about The nature of the variable millimetre–selected AGN in the brightest cluster galaxy of Abell 851.