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Sarah Elton's Outputs (5)

Analytical framework for reconstructing heterogeneous environmental variables from mammal community structure (2014)
Journal Article
Louys, J., Meloro, C., Elton, S., Ditchfield, P., & Bishop, L. C. (2015). Analytical framework for reconstructing heterogeneous environmental variables from mammal community structure. Journal of Human Evolution, 78, 1-11.

We test the performance of two models that use mammalian communities to reconstruct multivariate palaeoenvironments. While both models exploit the correlation between mammal communities (defined in terms of functional groups) and arboreal heterogenei... Read More about Analytical framework for reconstructing heterogeneous environmental variables from mammal community structure.

Macaques at the margins: the biogeography and extinction of Macaca sylvanus in Europe (2014)
Journal Article
Elton, S., & O'Regan, H. J. (2014). Macaques at the margins: the biogeography and extinction of Macaca sylvanus in Europe. Quaternary Science Reviews, 96, 117-130.

The genus Macaca (Primates: Cercopithecidae) originated in Africa, dispersed into Europe in the Late Miocene and resided there until the Late Pleistocene. In this contribution, we provide an overview of the evolutionary history of Macaca in Europe, p... Read More about Macaques at the margins: the biogeography and extinction of Macaca sylvanus in Europe.