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Sarah Elton's Outputs (3)

Biogeographic variation in the baboon: dissecting the cline (2013)
Journal Article
Dunn, J., Cardini, A., & Elton, S. (2013). Biogeographic variation in the baboon: dissecting the cline. Journal of Anatomy, 223(4), 337-352.

All species demonstrate intraspecific anatomical variation. While generalisations such as Bergman's and Allen's rules have attempted to explain the geographic structuring of variation with some success, recent work has demonstrated limited support fo... Read More about Biogeographic variation in the baboon: dissecting the cline.

Cats in the forest: predicting habitat adaptations from humerus morphometry in extant and fossil Felidae (Carnivora) (2013)
Journal Article
Meloro, C., Elton, S., Louys, J., Bishop, L., & Ditchfield, P. (2013). Cats in the forest: predicting habitat adaptations from humerus morphometry in extant and fossil Felidae (Carnivora). Paleobiology, 39(3), 323-344.

Mammalian carnivores are rarely incorporated in paleoenvironmental reconstructions, largely because of their rarity within the fossil record. However, multivariate statistical modeling can be successfully used to quantify specific anatomical features... Read More about Cats in the forest: predicting habitat adaptations from humerus morphometry in extant and fossil Felidae (Carnivora).

The Evolutionary History and Palaeo-Ecology of Primate Predation: Macaca sylvanus from Plio-Pleistocene Europe as a Case Study (2013)
Journal Article
Meloro, C., & Elton, S. (2013). The Evolutionary History and Palaeo-Ecology of Primate Predation: Macaca sylvanus from Plio-Pleistocene Europe as a Case Study. Folia Primatologica, 83(3-6), 216-235.

In this article we briefly review primate interactions with predators throughout their evolutionary history. Like today, predators of past primates were taxonomically diverse, including crocodilians, aquatic mammals, hyaenids, raptors and other prima... Read More about The Evolutionary History and Palaeo-Ecology of Primate Predation: Macaca sylvanus from Plio-Pleistocene Europe as a Case Study.