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Sarah Elton's Outputs (5)

Clines in Africa: does size vary in the same way among widespread sub-Saharan monkeys? (2012)
Journal Article
Cardini, A., Dunn, J., O'Higgins, P., & Elton, S. (2012). Clines in Africa: does size vary in the same way among widespread sub-Saharan monkeys?. Journal of Biogeography, 40(2), 370-381.

Aim We characterize and compare patterns of clinal size variation among diverse widespread sub-Saharan monkeys with the aim of identifying commonalities and differences in biogeographical variation. Thus, we accurately quantify nonlinear clines in re... Read More about Clines in Africa: does size vary in the same way among widespread sub-Saharan monkeys?.

Humeral shape in felids: phylogenetic, locomotor and allometric influences. (2012)
Journal Article
Walmsley, A., Elton, S., Louys, J., Bishop, L., & Meloro, C. (2012). Humeral shape in felids: phylogenetic, locomotor and allometric influences. Journal of Morphology, 273(12), 1424-1438.

Bone morphology of the cats (Mammalia: Felidae) is influenced by many factors, including locomotor mode, body size, hunting methods, prey size and phylogeny. Here, we investigate the shape of the proximal and distal humeral epiphyses in extant specie... Read More about Humeral shape in felids: phylogenetic, locomotor and allometric influences..

Stable isotopes provide independent support for the use of mesowear variables for inferring diets in African antelopes (2012)
Journal Article
Louys, J., Ditchfield, P., Meloro, C., Elton, S., & Bishop, L. (2012). Stable isotopes provide independent support for the use of mesowear variables for inferring diets in African antelopes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 279(1746), 4441-4446.

We examine the relationship between mesowear variables and carbon and nitrogen isotopes in 16 species of African antelope (Mammalia: Bovidae). We show significant differences in carbon and nitrogen isotope values between individuals exhibiting sharp... Read More about Stable isotopes provide independent support for the use of mesowear variables for inferring diets in African antelopes.

Impacts of environmental change and community ecology on the composition and diversity of the southern African monkey fauna from the Plio-Pleistocene to the present (2012)
Book Chapter
Elton, S. (2012). Impacts of environmental change and community ecology on the composition and diversity of the southern African monkey fauna from the Plio-Pleistocene to the present. In S. C. Reynolds, & A. Gallagher (Eds.), African genesis : perspectives on hominin evolution (471-486). Cambridge University Press.

The southern African cercopithecid (monkey) fauna has undergone a profound change in composition and diversity since the Plio-Pleistocene, with modern species representing only a small part of the diversity that existed in the past. During the Plio-P... Read More about Impacts of environmental change and community ecology on the composition and diversity of the southern African monkey fauna from the Plio-Pleistocene to the present.