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Professor Paul Hodgkinson's Outputs (82)

Origins of linewidth in ¹H magic-angle spinning NMR (2006)
Journal Article
Zorin, V., Brown, S., & Hodgkinson, P. (2006). Origins of linewidth in ¹H magic-angle spinning NMR. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 125(14),

A detailed study of the factors determining the linewidth (and hence resolution) in 1H solid-state magic-angle spinning NMR is described. Although it has been known from the early days of magic-angle spinning (MAS) that resolution of spectra from abu... Read More about Origins of linewidth in ¹H magic-angle spinning NMR.

Quantitative analysis of 17O exchange and T1 relaxation data : Application to zirconium tungstate. (2006)
Journal Article
Hodgkinson, P., & Hampson, M. (2006). Quantitative analysis of 17O exchange and T1 relaxation data : Application to zirconium tungstate. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 30(2), 98-105.

The theoretical basis behind a recent quantitative analysis of 17O exchange in ZrW2O8 [M.R. Hampson, J.S.O. Evans, P. Hodgkinson, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127 (2005) 15175–15181] is set out. Despite the complexities of combining the multi-exponential relaxa... Read More about Quantitative analysis of 17O exchange and T1 relaxation data : Application to zirconium tungstate..

Quantification of homonuclear dipolar coupling networks from magic-angle spinning 1H NMR (2006)
Journal Article
Zorin, V., Brown, S., & Hodgkinson, P. (2006). Quantification of homonuclear dipolar coupling networks from magic-angle spinning 1H NMR. Molecular Physics, 104(2), 293-304.

Numerical simulations of magic-angle spinning (MAS) spectra of dipolar-coupled nuclear spins have been used to assess different approaches to the quantification of dipolar couplings from 1H solid-state NMR. Exploiting the translational symmetry of pe... Read More about Quantification of homonuclear dipolar coupling networks from magic-angle spinning 1H NMR.

Hydrogen bonding and dynamic behaviour in crystals and polymorphs of dicarboxylic-diamine adducts: A comparison between NMR parameters and X-ray diffraction studies (2005)
Journal Article
Gobetto, R., Nervi, C., Chierotti, M., Braga, D., Maini, L., Grepioni, F., …Hodgkinson, P. (2005). Hydrogen bonding and dynamic behaviour in crystals and polymorphs of dicarboxylic-diamine adducts: A comparison between NMR parameters and X-ray diffraction studies. Chemistry - A European Journal, 11(24), 7461-7471.

Characterisation of indomethacin and nifedipine using variable-temperature solid-state NMR (2005)
Journal Article
Apperley, D. C., Forster, A. H., Fournier, R., Harris, R. K., Hodgkinson, P., Lancaster, R. W., & Rades, T. (2005). Characterisation of indomethacin and nifedipine using variable-temperature solid-state NMR. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 43(11), 881-892.

We have characterised the stable polymorphic forms of two drug molecules, indomethacin (1) and nifedipine (2) by C-13 CPMAS NMR and the resonances have been assigned. The signal for the C-Cl carbon of indomethacin has been studied as a function of ap... Read More about Characterisation of indomethacin and nifedipine using variable-temperature solid-state NMR.

Characterization of oxygen dynamics in ZrW₂O₈ (2005)
Journal Article
Hampson, M., Evans, J., & Hodgkinson, P. (2005). Characterization of oxygen dynamics in ZrW₂O₈. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127(43), 15175-15181.

The dynamics of oxygen motion in ZrW2O8 have been characterized using O-17 solid-state NMR. Rates of dynamic exchange have been extracted from magnetization transfer experiments over a temperature range of 40 to 226 degrees C, and distinct values for... Read More about Characterization of oxygen dynamics in ZrW₂O₈.

Quantification of bambuterol hydrochloride in a formulated product using solid-state NMR (2005)
Journal Article
Harris, R., Hodgkinson, P., Larsson, T., & Muruganantham, A. (2005). Quantification of bambuterol hydrochloride in a formulated product using solid-state NMR. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 38(5), 858-864

Carbon-13 NMR spectra of the stable polymorphs of solid bambuterol hydrochloride (BHC) and terbutaline sulfate (TBS) are reported and the resonances assigned with the aid of solution-state spectra. A protocol is presented for quantification of BHC in... Read More about Quantification of bambuterol hydrochloride in a formulated product using solid-state NMR.

Synthesis and NMR studies of O-17 enriched AM(2)O(8) phases (2005)
Journal Article
Hampson, M., Allen, S., King, I., Crossland, C., Hodgkinson, P., Harris, R., …Evans, J. (2005). Synthesis and NMR studies of O-17 enriched AM(2)O(8) phases. Solid State Sciences, 7(7), 819-826

This paper describes synthetic routes to produce highly O-17 enriched samples of the negative thermal expansion materials ZrW2O8 and ZrMo2O8. In the case of ZrW2O8 enriched samples can be produced either via enriched Zr-17 O-2 and (WO3)-O-17, which h... Read More about Synthesis and NMR studies of O-17 enriched AM(2)O(8) phases.

Solid-state NMR studies of some tin(II) compounds (2004)
Journal Article
Amornsakchai, P., Apperley, D., Harris, R., Hodgkinson, P., & Waterfield, P. (2004). Solid-state NMR studies of some tin(II) compounds. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 26(3-4), 160-171

High-resolution NMR spectra of spin-1/2 nuclei, particularly Sn-119 and insolid tin(II) phosphite, SnHPO3,and tin(II) phosphate, SnHPO4, are presented. The results are discussed in relation to the crystal structures. Spinning sideband analysis has be... Read More about Solid-state NMR studies of some tin(II) compounds.

Solid-state Ag-109 CP/MAS NMR spectroscopy of some diammine silver(I) complexes (2004)
Journal Article
Bowmaker, G., Harris, R., Assadollahzadeh, B., Apperley, D., Hodgkinson, P., & Amornsakchai, P. (2004). Solid-state Ag-109 CP/MAS NMR spectroscopy of some diammine silver(I) complexes. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 42(9), 819-826

Solid-state cross-polarization magic-angle spinning (CP/MAS) NMR spectra were recorded for the compounds [Ag(NH3)(2)](2)SO4, [Ag(NH3)(2)](2)SeO4 and [Ag(NH3)(2)]NO3, all of which contain the linear or nearly linear two-coordinate [Ag(NH3)(2)](+) ion.... Read More about Solid-state Ag-109 CP/MAS NMR spectroscopy of some diammine silver(I) complexes.

NMR studies of P-31, H-1 spin pairs in solid tin(II) phosphite and tin(II) hydrogen phosphate (2004)
Journal Article
Amornsakchai, P., Hodgkinson, P., & Harris, R. (2004). NMR studies of P-31, H-1 spin pairs in solid tin(II) phosphite and tin(II) hydrogen phosphate. Molecular Physics, 102(9-10), 877-882

We show how the spin dynamics in isolated spin systems presents both opportunities and complications, using the H-1, P-31 pair encountered in solid SnHPO3 and SnHPO4. Transient oscillations observed in the build-up of P-31 magnetization, during cross... Read More about NMR studies of P-31, H-1 spin pairs in solid tin(II) phosphite and tin(II) hydrogen phosphate.

Resolution of C-13-F-19 interactions in the C-13 NMR of spinning solids and liquid crystals (2004)
Journal Article
Antonioli, G., & Hodgkinson, P. (2004). Resolution of C-13-F-19 interactions in the C-13 NMR of spinning solids and liquid crystals. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 168(1), 124-131

Anomalous line-broadenings of carbon resonances close to F-19 have commonly been reported in the C-13 NMR of liquid crystals and solids. We have previously shown that these effects in static liquid-crystal samples are related to the difficulty of H-1... Read More about Resolution of C-13-F-19 interactions in the C-13 NMR of spinning solids and liquid crystals.

Transverse dephasing optimized solid-state NMR spectroscopy (2003)
Journal Article
De Paepe, G., Giraud, N., Lesage, A., Hodgkinson, P., Bockmann, A., & Emsley, L. (2003). Transverse dephasing optimized solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 125(46), 13938-13939

Improved heteronuclear decoupling schemes for solid-state magic angle spinning NMR by direct spectral optimization (2003)
Journal Article
De Paepe, G., Hodgkinson, P., & Emsley, L. (2003). Improved heteronuclear decoupling schemes for solid-state magic angle spinning NMR by direct spectral optimization. Chemical Physics Letters, 376(3-4), 259-267

It is shown that a direct spectral optimization scheme can be implemented to obtain improved heteronuclear dipolar decoupling schemes for solid-state magic-angle-spinning NMR experiments. The resulting schemes, which turn out to have a particularly s... Read More about Improved heteronuclear decoupling schemes for solid-state magic angle spinning NMR by direct spectral optimization.

Interference of homonuclear decoupling and exchange in the solid-state NMR of perfluorocyclohexane (2003)
Journal Article
McMillan, D., Hazendonk, P., & Hodgkinson, P. (2003). Interference of homonuclear decoupling and exchange in the solid-state NMR of perfluorocyclohexane. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 161(2), 234-241

We observe an interference between RF irradiation used for homonuclear decoupling of F-19 and conformational exchange in the C-13 spectrum of perfluorocyclohexane. We show that these effects can be readily reproduced in simulation, and characterise t... Read More about Interference of homonuclear decoupling and exchange in the solid-state NMR of perfluorocyclohexane.

Heteronuclear decoupling in NMR of Liquid Crystals using continuous phase modulation (2003)
Journal Article
De Paepe, G., Sakellariou, D., Hodgkinson, P., Hediger, S., & Emsley, L. (2003). Heteronuclear decoupling in NMR of Liquid Crystals using continuous phase modulation. Chemical Physics Letters, 368(5-6), 511-522

In this Letter we present a framework for the use of continuously phase modulated radio-frequency pulses for heteronuclear decoupling in NMR of Liquid Crystals. Within this framework, we found new sets of heteronuclear decoupling sequences using nume... Read More about Heteronuclear decoupling in NMR of Liquid Crystals using continuous phase modulation.

Improved proton decoupling in NMR spectroscopy of crystalline solids using the SPINAL-64 sequence (2002)
Journal Article
Brauniger, T., Wormald, P., & Hodgkinson, P. (2002). Improved proton decoupling in NMR spectroscopy of crystalline solids using the SPINAL-64 sequence. Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly, 133(12), 1549-1554

The performance of three different spin decoupling schemes, CW, TPPM, and SPINAL-64 is compared, by recording proton decoupled C-13 NMR spectra of a crystalline glycine sample, with 20% isotopic labelling. At a magnetic field of B-0 = 14.1 T, the two... Read More about Improved proton decoupling in NMR spectroscopy of crystalline solids using the SPINAL-64 sequence.

Line-splitting and broadening effects from F-19 in the C-13 NMR of liquid crystals and solids (2001)
Journal Article
Antonioli, G., McMillan, D., & Hodgkinson, P. (2001). Line-splitting and broadening effects from F-19 in the C-13 NMR of liquid crystals and solids. Chemical Physics Letters, 344(1-2), 68-74

The NMR resonances of C-13 spins in proximity to F-19 are often unusually broad, degrading resolution and limiting the ability to quantify the C-F interactions. We observe line-splittings and selective broadenings in a liquid crystal sample that stro... Read More about Line-splitting and broadening effects from F-19 in the C-13 NMR of liquid crystals and solids.