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Dr David Carty's Outputs (2)

Alternating gradient focusing and deceleration of polar molecules (2006)
Journal Article
Bethlem, H., Tarbutt, M., Kupper, J., Carty, D., Wohlfart, K., Hinds, E., & Meijer, G. (2006). Alternating gradient focusing and deceleration of polar molecules. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 39(16), R263-R291.

Beams of polar molecules can be focused using an array of electrostatic lenses in alternating gradient (AG) configuration. They can also be accelerated or decelerated by applying an appropriate high-voltage switching sequence to the lenses. AG focusi... Read More about Alternating gradient focusing and deceleration of polar molecules.

Kinetics of the radical-radical reaction, O(triplet P,J + OH(X doublet pi omega) - O2 + H, at temperatures down to 39 K (2006)
Journal Article
Carty, D., Goddard, A., Kohler, S., Sims, I., & Smith, I. (2006). Kinetics of the radical-radical reaction, O(triplet P,J + OH(X doublet pi omega) - O2 + H, at temperatures down to 39 K. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 110(9), 3101-3109.

The kinetics of the reaction between O atoms and OH radicals, both in their electronic ground state, have been investigated at temperatures down to ca. 39 K. The experiments employed a CRESU (Cinétique de Réaction en Ecoulement Supersonique Uniforme)... Read More about Kinetics of the radical-radical reaction, O(triplet P,J + OH(X doublet pi omega) - O2 + H, at temperatures down to 39 K.