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Dr David Carty's Outputs (1)

Rotational energy transfer in collisions between CO(X¹Σ⁺, v=2, J=0, 1,4, and 6) and He at temperatures from 294 to 15 K (2004)
Journal Article
Carty, D., Goddard, A., Sims, I., & Smith, I. (2004). Rotational energy transfer in collisions between CO(X¹Σ⁺, v=2, J=0, 1,4, and 6) and He at temperatures from 294 to 15 K. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 121(10), 4671-4683.

Infrared-vacuum ultraviolet double resonance experiments have been implemented in the ultracold environment provided by a Cinétique de Réaction en Ecoulement Supersonique Uniforme apparatus. With this technique rate coefficients of two kinds have bee... Read More about Rotational energy transfer in collisions between CO(X¹Σ⁺, v=2, J=0, 1,4, and 6) and He at temperatures from 294 to 15 K.