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Professor Simon James' Outputs (2)

The Presence of Nature: A Study in Phenomenology and Environmental Philosophy (2009)
James, S. (2009). The Presence of Nature: A Study in Phenomenology and Environmental Philosophy. (1). Palgrave Macmillan

What is 'nature'? In what sense are humans parts of it? And why, if at all, should we strive to conserve it? Environmental issues raise a host of fascinating philosophical questions. Yet all too often these questions are tackled in an overly abstract... Read More about The Presence of Nature: A Study in Phenomenology and Environmental Philosophy.

Phenomenology and the Problem of Animal Minds (2009)
Journal Article
James, S. P. (2009). Phenomenology and the Problem of Animal Minds. Environmental Values, 18(1), 33-49.

Attempts to determine whether nonhuman animals have minds are often thought to raise a particular sceptical concern; I call it the problem of animal minds. If there are such things as animal minds, the sceptic reasons, they will be private realms to... Read More about Phenomenology and the Problem of Animal Minds.