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Professor Ashraf Osman's Outputs (5)

Modelling creep in rocks using hyper-plasticity approach (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Birchall, T., & Osman, A. (2012, December). Modelling creep in rocks using hyper-plasticity approach. Presented at Annual conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering, Manchester, England

Response of a tunnel deeply embedded in a viscoelastic medium (2012)
Journal Article
Birchall, T., & Osman, A. (2012). Response of a tunnel deeply embedded in a viscoelastic medium. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 36(15), 1717-1740.

This paper presents a three-dimensional energy-based solution for the time-dependent response of a deeply embedded and unsupported semi-infinite tunnel of circular cross-section. The tunnel is taken to be excavated quasi-instantaneously from an infin... Read More about Response of a tunnel deeply embedded in a viscoelastic medium.

An Analytical Solution for the Consolidation around a Laterally Loaded Pile (2012)
Journal Article
Osman, A., & Randolph, M. (2012). An Analytical Solution for the Consolidation around a Laterally Loaded Pile. International Journal of Geomechanics, 12(3), 199-208.

This paper presents a closed-form analytical solution for the consolidation of soil around a laterally loaded pile, assuming the soil skeleton deforms elastically and under plane strain conditions. The problem is idealized as a circular rigid disk su... Read More about An Analytical Solution for the Consolidation around a Laterally Loaded Pile.

Dynamic response of an axially loaded rigid sphere embedded in a saturated poroelastic medium (2012)
Journal Article
Osman, A., & Rouainia, M. (2012). Dynamic response of an axially loaded rigid sphere embedded in a saturated poroelastic medium. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 82(3), 407-421.

In this paper, an analytical solution for the response of a rigid sphere embedded in a full space poroelastic medium subjected to a dynamic lateral load is derived. The solution is obtained using Biots theory for acoustic waves. In this solution, the... Read More about Dynamic response of an axially loaded rigid sphere embedded in a saturated poroelastic medium.

The impact of changes in the water table and soil moisture on structural stability of buildings and foundation systems: Systematic review CEE10-005 (SR90) (2012)
Toll, D., Abedin, Z., Buma, J., Cui, Y., Osman, A., & Phoon, K. (2012). The impact of changes in the water table and soil moisture on structural stability of buildings and foundation systems: Systematic review CEE10-005 (SR90). [No known commissioning body]

This Systematic Review aims to consider the impact of changes in the ground water table and soil moisture regime on structural stability of buildings and foundation systems. The possible changes in the water table levels and soil moisture conditions... Read More about The impact of changes in the water table and soil moisture on structural stability of buildings and foundation systems: Systematic review CEE10-005 (SR90).