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Professor Ashraf Osman's Outputs (6)

Response of a solid infinite cylinder embedded in a poroelastic medium and subjected to a lateral load (2010)
Journal Article
Osman, A., & Randolph, M. (2010). Response of a solid infinite cylinder embedded in a poroelastic medium and subjected to a lateral load. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 47(18-19), 2414-2424.

This paper presents an analytical solution for the response of a poroelastic medium around a laterally loaded rigid cylinder using Biot’s consolidation theory. A plane-strain section of the cylinder-porous medium system is considered and the problem... Read More about Response of a solid infinite cylinder embedded in a poroelastic medium and subjected to a lateral load.

Comparison between coupled and uncoupled consolidation analysis of a rigid sphere in a porous elastic infinite space (2010)
Journal Article
Osman, A. (2010). Comparison between coupled and uncoupled consolidation analysis of a rigid sphere in a porous elastic infinite space. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 136(8), 1059-1064.

Linear consolidation analyses are usually treated either by means of Terzaghi-Rendulic uncoupled theory or Biot's consolidation theory. In this note, the problem of consolidation displacements around an axially loaded sphere was considered. It is dem... Read More about Comparison between coupled and uncoupled consolidation analysis of a rigid sphere in a porous elastic infinite space.

Stability of unlined twin tunnels in undrained clay (2010)
Journal Article
Osman, A. (2010). Stability of unlined twin tunnels in undrained clay. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 25(3), 290-296.

This note presents solutions for the problem of the stability of twin tunnels excavation in soft ground. A compatible displacement field has been derived to idealise ground deformations around shallow, unlined, twin tunnels embedded within an undrain... Read More about Stability of unlined twin tunnels in undrained clay.

Dynamic response of a laterally-loaded infinite rigid cylinder embedded in a saturated poroelastic medium (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Osman, A., & Hussein, M. (2010, December). Dynamic response of a laterally-loaded infinite rigid cylinder embedded in a saturated poroelastic medium. Presented at The International Society for Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ISCCBE), Nottingham, England

In this paper, an analytical solution for the response of a rigid cylinder embedded in a full-space poroelastic medium subjected to a dynamic lateral load is derived. The problem is idealised as a two-dimensional problem. The solution is obtained usi... Read More about Dynamic response of a laterally-loaded infinite rigid cylinder embedded in a saturated poroelastic medium.

Numerical investigation of the behaviour of suction caissons in structured clays (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Panayides, S., Rouainia, M., & Osman, A. (2010, December). Numerical investigation of the behaviour of suction caissons in structured clays. Presented at Second International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG II), University of Western Australia (UWA), Perth

This paper investigates the ultimate capacity of suction anchor foundations, using an advanced constitutive model. The paper explores the effect of changing the aspect ratio of the caisson on the undrained load-carrying capacity of the bucket foundat... Read More about Numerical investigation of the behaviour of suction caissons in structured clays.

Three-dimensional finite element analysis of opening interaction in squeezing ground (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Birchall, T., & Osman, A. (2010, December). Three-dimensional finite element analysis of opening interaction in squeezing ground. Presented at 18th Annual Conference of the Association of Computational Mechanics in Engineering (ACME-UK), Southampton, England

This paper presents a numerical study of the interaction of twin, horizontally aligned openings, deeply embedded in salt rock. Complex three-dimensional (3D) creep analyses were carried out using the Finite Element (FE) method. Findings show that ope... Read More about Three-dimensional finite element analysis of opening interaction in squeezing ground.