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Dr Sophie Ward's Outputs (3)

Metalearning capacity and threshold concept engagement. (2010)
Journal Article
Ward, S., & Meyer, J. (2010). Metalearning capacity and threshold concept engagement. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 47(4), 369-378.

This study aims to further our understanding of metalearning activity through the analysis of qualitative data gathered from 370 first-year microeconomics students in three UK universities. The students were asked to produce undirected reflective ess... Read More about Metalearning capacity and threshold concept engagement..

Enacting Metalearning: Using Performance Based Research in conjunction with Meyer's Reflections on Learning Inventory to raise HND/FD students' awareness of the self as learner in the context of level six (final year) undergraduate study (2010)
Connolly, R., & Ward, S. (2011). Enacting Metalearning: Using Performance Based Research in conjunction with Meyer's Reflections on Learning Inventory to raise HND/FD students' awareness of the self as learner in the context of level six (final year) undergraduate study. Palatine (Performing Arts Learning and Teaching Innovation Network)

The concept of metalearning, as defined by Biggs (1985), encapsulates two complementary features of deep level, self-regulated learning capacity: 1) an awareness of self as learner in some specified context and 2) control over self as learner in that... Read More about Enacting Metalearning: Using Performance Based Research in conjunction with Meyer's Reflections on Learning Inventory to raise HND/FD students' awareness of the self as learner in the context of level six (final year) undergraduate study.