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Dr David Bolden's Outputs (2)

The impact of interdependent cross-age peer tutoring on social and mathematics self- concepts (2016)
Journal Article
Zeneli, M., Tymms, P., & Bolden, D. (2016). The impact of interdependent cross-age peer tutoring on social and mathematics self- concepts. International journal of psychology and educational studies, 3(2), 1-13.

This paper adds to the limited body of literature and concentrates on investigating the impact of a new peer tutoring framework, ‘Interdependent Cross Age-Peer Tutoring’ (ICAT), on the socio-academic process of learning of self-concepts. ICAT is info... Read More about The impact of interdependent cross-age peer tutoring on social and mathematics self- concepts.

Clustered randomised controlled trial of two education interventions designed to increase physical activity and well-being of secondary school students: The MOVE Project (2016)
Journal Article
Tymms, P., Curtis, S. E., Routen, A. C., Thomson, K. H., Bolden, D. S., Bock, S., Dunn, C. E., Cooper, A. R., Elliott, J. G., Moore, H. J., Summerbell, C. D., Tiffin, P. A., & Kasim Adetayo, S. (2016). Clustered randomised controlled trial of two education interventions designed to increase physical activity and well-being of secondary school students: The MOVE Project. BMJ Open, 6(1), Article e009318.

Objective: To assess the effectiveness of two interventions in improving the physical activity and wellbeing of secondary school children. Design: A clustered randomised controlled trial; classes, one per school, were assigned to one of three interve... Read More about Clustered randomised controlled trial of two education interventions designed to increase physical activity and well-being of secondary school students: The MOVE Project.