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Professor Vanessa Kind's Outputs (5)

The knowledge gap between intended and attained curriculum in Ethiopian teacher education: identifying challenges for future development (2019)
Journal Article
Alemu, M., Kind, V., Tadesse, M., Michael, K., Kind, P., & Rajab, T. (2021). The knowledge gap between intended and attained curriculum in Ethiopian teacher education: identifying challenges for future development. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 51(1), 81-98.

This investigation of physics teacher education in Ethiopia reveals a significant gap between the physics knowledge of pre-service teachers (PSTs) attained during training and that of the intended curriculum setting out expectations for their knowled... Read More about The knowledge gap between intended and attained curriculum in Ethiopian teacher education: identifying challenges for future development.

Resolving the amalgam: connecting pedagogical content knowledge, content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge (2019)
Journal Article
Kind, V., & Chan, K. (2019). Resolving the amalgam: connecting pedagogical content knowledge, content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge. International Journal of Science Education, 41(7), 964-978.

This paper concludes the Special Issue (SI) ‘Probing the Amalgam: the relationship between science teachers’ content, pedagogical and pedagogical content knowledge’. We review the five papers (Sorge et al; Gess-Newsome et al; Kind; Pitjeng-Mosabala a... Read More about Resolving the amalgam: connecting pedagogical content knowledge, content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge.

Monitoring practical science in schools and colleges (2019)
Cramman, H., Kind, V., Lyth, A., Gray, H., Younger, K., Gemar, A., …Kind, P. (2019). Monitoring practical science in schools and colleges. [No known commissioning body]

This report presents data relating to practical work in science provision in schools1 collected over three years in England and Scotland from 2015 - 2017. This study adopts the SCORE (2013) definition of practical work, namely: “A learning activity i... Read More about Monitoring practical science in schools and colleges.