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Professor Vanessa Kind's Outputs (3)

Preservice Science Teachers' Science Teaching orientations and Beliefs about Science (2015)
Journal Article
Kind, V. (2016). Preservice Science Teachers' Science Teaching orientations and Beliefs about Science. Science Education, 100(1), 122-152.

This paper offers clarification of science teacher orientations as a potential component of pedagogical content knowledge. Science teaching orientations and beliefs about science held by 237 preservice science teachers were gathered via content-speci... Read More about Preservice Science Teachers' Science Teaching orientations and Beliefs about Science.

On the beauty of knowing then not knowing: Pinning down the elusive qualities of PCK (2015)
Book Chapter
Kind, V. (2015). On the beauty of knowing then not knowing: Pinning down the elusive qualities of PCK. In A. Berry, P. Friedrichsen, & J. Loughran (Eds.), Re-examining Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Science Education (178-196). Routledge

This chapter critiques a range of models for pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) presented in extant literature, comparing these with those proposed by international researchers attending a “Summit” meeting on the topic held in October 2012. The anal... Read More about On the beauty of knowing then not knowing: Pinning down the elusive qualities of PCK.