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Professor John Ashworth's Outputs (2)

Sectoral money demand behaviour and the welfare cost of inflation in the UK. (2013)
Journal Article
Ashworth, J., Barlow, D., & Evans, L. (2014). Sectoral money demand behaviour and the welfare cost of inflation in the UK. Manchester School, 82(6), 732-750.

In this paper, we estimate separate UK money demand functions for the household and corporate sectors; and calculate estimates of the welfare cost of inflation. We find that the household sector bears most of the welfare burden which is in sharp cont... Read More about Sectoral money demand behaviour and the welfare cost of inflation in the UK..

Decentralization as a Constraint to Leviathan: A Panel Cointegration Analysis (2013)
Journal Article
Ashworth, J., Galli, E., & Padovano, F. (2013). Decentralization as a Constraint to Leviathan: A Panel Cointegration Analysis. Public Choice, 156(3-4), 491-516.

This paper extends the empirical literature about the effects of fiscal decentralization on the growth of government along three dimensions. It distinguishes between the effects of the level of decentralization from the way local governments finance... Read More about Decentralization as a Constraint to Leviathan: A Panel Cointegration Analysis.