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Stephen Burrell's Outputs (6)

Men, work, and care in the UK in the wake of Covid-19 (2022)
Book Chapter
Ruxton, S., & Burrell, S. (2022). Men, work, and care in the UK in the wake of Covid-19. In A. Tarrant, L. Ladlow, & L. Way (Eds.), Men and Welfare (46-59). Routledge.

COVID-19 has had an immense impact on every aspect of UK society, not least the economy. It has radically altered the labour market and workplaces, with potentially long-term ramifications for the nature, location, and organisation of work, pushing e... Read More about Men, work, and care in the UK in the wake of Covid-19.

Engaging men and boys in the primary prevention of sexual violence (2022)
Book Chapter
Flood, M., & Burrell, S. (2022). Engaging men and boys in the primary prevention of sexual violence. In M. Horvath, & J. Brown (Eds.), Rape: Challenging Contemporary Thinking - 10 Years On (221-235). (2nd ed.). Routledge.

Engaging men and boys is a key strategy for preventing the perpetration of sexual violence. Whilst prevention efforts among men and boys are growing, they remain limited in scope and scale. The evidence base for the effectiveness of sexual violence p... Read More about Engaging men and boys in the primary prevention of sexual violence.