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Professor Helen Ball's Outputs (8)

Sleep tight! Adolescent sleep quality across three distinct sleep ecologies (2023)
Journal Article
Silva-Caballero, A., Ball, H. L., Kramer, K. L., & Bentley, G. R. (2023). Sleep tight! Adolescent sleep quality across three distinct sleep ecologies. Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health, 11(1), 448-460.

Background and objectives
Good sleep quality, associated with few arousals, no daytime sleepiness and self-satisfaction with one’s sleep, is pivotal for adolescent growth, maturation, cognition and overall health. This article aims to identify what... Read More about Sleep tight! Adolescent sleep quality across three distinct sleep ecologies.

Multiagency approaches to preventing sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI): a review and analysis of UK policies (2023)
Journal Article
Ball, H. L., Keegan, A.-A., Whitehouse, D. R., Cooper, L. S., Lovell-Kennedy, S. R., Murray, L. M., Newbury-Birch, D., Cleghorn, N. J., & Healy, A. (2023). Multiagency approaches to preventing sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI): a review and analysis of UK policies. BMJ Public Health, 1(1), e000017.

Background Recent reviews of sudden unexpected deaths in infancy (SUDI) in England recommend a multiagency working (MAW) approach to prevention but lack clear guidance around how this might be implemented.

Aims In England, local authorities commis... Read More about Multiagency approaches to preventing sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI): a review and analysis of UK policies.

Exploring the Longitudinal Relationship Between Short Sleep Duration, Temperament and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms in a Biethnic Population of Children Aged Between 6 and 61 Months: A Born in Bradford Study (2023)
Journal Article
Stott, J., Coleman, E., Hamilton, A., Blackwell, J., & Ball, H. L. (2023). Exploring the Longitudinal Relationship Between Short Sleep Duration, Temperament and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms in a Biethnic Population of Children Aged Between 6 and 61 Months: A Born in Bradford Study. Journal of Attention Disorders, 27(9), 929-938.

Examine the association between sleep duration, temperament and symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in a biethnic child-population from The Born in Bradford cohort.
Parent-report sleep duration categorize... Read More about Exploring the Longitudinal Relationship Between Short Sleep Duration, Temperament and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms in a Biethnic Population of Children Aged Between 6 and 61 Months: A Born in Bradford Study.

Sociodemographic, temporal and bedtime routine correlates of sleep timing and duration in South Asian and white children: A Born in Bradford study (2023)
Journal Article
Pal, E., Blackwell, J. E., Ball, H. L., & Collings, P. J. (2023). Sociodemographic, temporal and bedtime routine correlates of sleep timing and duration in South Asian and white children: A Born in Bradford study. Sleep medicine. X, 5, Article 100068.

Objective The study aimed to examine sociodemographic, temporal and bedtime routine correlates of parent-reported sleep duration and timing in a biethnic sample of 18 month and 36 month old children from a disadvantaged location. Methods Between Octo... Read More about Sociodemographic, temporal and bedtime routine correlates of sleep timing and duration in South Asian and white children: A Born in Bradford study.

Relationships between postpartum depression, sleep, and infant feeding in the early postpartum: An exploratory analysis (2023)
Journal Article
Rudzik, A. E., Robinson-Smith, L., Tugwell, F., & Ball, H. L. (2023). Relationships between postpartum depression, sleep, and infant feeding in the early postpartum: An exploratory analysis. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14,

Introduction: The study objectives were to determine the relationships between postpartum depression and maternal and infant sleep parameters and to examine the impact of infant feeding method on infant and maternal sleep and postpartum depression sy... Read More about Relationships between postpartum depression, sleep, and infant feeding in the early postpartum: An exploratory analysis.

ABM Clinical Protocol #37: Physiological Infant Care—Managing Nighttime Breastfeeding in Young Infants (2023)
Journal Article
Zimmerman, D., Bartick, M., Feldman-Winter, L., Ball, H. L., Stehel, E., Noble, L., Bartick, M. C., Bettinelli, M. E., Kair, L., Larson, I., LeFort, Y., Marshall, N., Mitchell, K., Okogbule-Wonodi, A., Rothenberg, S., Seo, T., Szugye, H., Weissman, G., Wight, N., & Young, M. (2023). ABM Clinical Protocol #37: Physiological Infant Care—Managing Nighttime Breastfeeding in Young Infants. Breastfeeding Medicine, 18(3),

The impact of swaddling upon breastfeeding: A critical review (2023)
Journal Article
Dixley, A., & Ball, H. L. (2023). The impact of swaddling upon breastfeeding: A critical review. American Journal of Human Biology, 35(6), Article e23878.

Introduction Many parents swaddle their infants to promote sleep and reduce night-waking, however lack of definitive evidence about the pros and cons of swaddling when breastfeeding hinders postnatal recommendations regarding this infant care practic... Read More about The impact of swaddling upon breastfeeding: A critical review.

Sleep deprivation among adolescents in urban and indigenous-rural Mexican communities (2023)
Journal Article
Silva-Caballero, A., Ball, H. L., Kramer, K. L., & Bentley, G. R. (2023). Sleep deprivation among adolescents in urban and indigenous-rural Mexican communities. Scientific Reports, 13(1), Article 1058.

Comparing the nature of adolescent sleep across urban and more isolated, rural settings through an ecological, cross-cultural perspective represents one way to inform sleep nuances and broaden our understanding of human development, wellbeing and evo... Read More about Sleep deprivation among adolescents in urban and indigenous-rural Mexican communities.