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Dr Ben Campbell's Outputs (18)

Biogas in Nepal: bringing social contexts of energy innovation into view (2024)
Book Chapter
Campbell, B., & Suji, M. Biogas in Nepal: bringing social contexts of energy innovation into view. In B. Campbell, M. Cameron, & T. Subba (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Himalayas: Environments, Development, Wellbeings. Routledge

Domestic biogas digesters spread rapidly in Nepal from the 1990s as a renewable energy technology that reduced pressure on extracting fuelwood from forests. Very little social science research exists on this energy development story, and the chapter... Read More about Biogas in Nepal: bringing social contexts of energy innovation into view.

Sustainability: a Critical, Comparative and Relational Approach (2024)
Book Chapter
Campbell, B. (in press). Sustainability: a Critical, Comparative and Relational Approach. In Is the Concept of Sustainability Misleading?. Strasbourg: Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg

Sustainability was born in “a messy mutualistic politics of care”, but has come to be dominated by economists’ and engineers’ solutions (Stirling 2019:19). Anthropologists’ disciplinary orientation to cultural difference has led in directions of bett... Read More about Sustainability: a Critical, Comparative and Relational Approach.

Low Carbon Energy Democracy in the Global South? (2021)
Book Chapter
Campbell, B., Cloke, J., & Brown, E. (2021). Low Carbon Energy Democracy in the Global South?. In A. M. Feldpausch-Parker, D. Endres, T. R. Peterson, & S. L. Gomez (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Energy Democracy. Routledge.

Social science tools and practitioner experiences help to understand relations of democratic processes to low carbon energy transitions in the Global South. This requires interrogating Euro-centric assumptions about participation, national developmen... Read More about Low Carbon Energy Democracy in the Global South?.

Fields of Working Knowledge (2014)
Book Chapter
Campbell, B. (2014). Fields of Working Knowledge. In S. K. Chaudhuri, & S. S. Chaudhuri (Eds.), Fieldwork in South Asia : memories, moments, and experiences (106-121). SAGE Publications

Subjectivity and Governance in the Himalayan Environment. (2010)
Book Chapter
Campbell, B. (2010). Subjectivity and Governance in the Himalayan Environment. In M. Lecomte-Tilouine (Ed.), An Exploration of the Categories of Nature and Culture in Asia and the Himalayas (156-189). Social Science Press

How Biotechnology Makes Human Kinship with Wildlife Visible (2010)
Book Chapter
Campbell, B. (2010). How Biotechnology Makes Human Kinship with Wildlife Visible. In M. Bolton, & C. Degnen (Eds.), Animals and Science: from colonial encounters to the biotech industry (196-219). Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Beyond cultural models of the environment: linking subjectivities of dwelling and power (2010)
Book Chapter
Campbell, B. (2010). Beyond cultural models of the environment: linking subjectivities of dwelling and power. In A. Guneratne (Ed.), Culture and the environment in the Himalaya (186-203). Routledge

For many decades the idea of ‘cultural model of the environment’ was a valuable tool for anthropologists and other social scientists to contest the bio-physical realism of natural scientists. If we were to understand how diverse human groups interact... Read More about Beyond cultural models of the environment: linking subjectivities of dwelling and power.

Fields of Post-human Kinship (2009)
Book Chapter
Campbell, B. (2009). Fields of Post-human Kinship. In J. Edwards, & C. Salazar (Eds.), European kinship in the age of biotechnology (162-178). Berghahn Journals

Racialization, Genes and the Reinventions of Nation in Europe (2007)
Book Chapter
Campbell, B. (2007). Racialization, Genes and the Reinventions of Nation in Europe. In P. Wade (Ed.), Race, ethnicity and nation: perspectives from kinship and genetics (95-124). Berghahn Journals

Across Europe the possibilities of new reproductive technologies have been responded to by national ethical regulatory regimes in markedly different ways. This study moves genetic debates onto a comparative and historical plane, by looking specifical... Read More about Racialization, Genes and the Reinventions of Nation in Europe.

Indigenous views on the Terms of Participation in the Development of Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal (2004)
Book Chapter
Campbell, B. (2004). Indigenous views on the Terms of Participation in the Development of Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal. In A. Bicker, P. Sillitoe, & J. Pottier (Eds.), Investigating local knowledge : new directions, new approaches (149-168). Ashgate Publishing

This chapter addresses the vogue for using indigenous knowledge in development projects. It discusses the diversity in forms of knowledge spoken of by Tamang villagers, noting which kinds of knowledge are perceived as more, and which as less amenable... Read More about Indigenous views on the Terms of Participation in the Development of Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal.