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Dr Jungnam Cho's Outputs (6)

m6A RNA demethylase AtALKBH9B promotes mobilization of a heat-activated long terminal repeat retrotransposon in Arabidopsis (2023)
Journal Article
Fan, W., Wang, L., Lei, Z., Li, H., Chu, J., Yan, M., Wang, Y., Wang, H., Yang, J., & Cho, J. (2023). m6A RNA demethylase AtALKBH9B promotes mobilization of a heat-activated long terminal repeat retrotransposon in Arabidopsis. Science Advances, 9(48), Article eadf3292.

Transposons are mobile and ubiquitous DNA molecules that can cause vast genomic alterations. In plants, it is well documented that transposon mobilization is strongly repressed by DNA methylation; however, its regulation at the posttranscriptional le... Read More about m6A RNA demethylase AtALKBH9B promotes mobilization of a heat-activated long terminal repeat retrotransposon in Arabidopsis.

The CARBON CATABOLITE REPRESSION 4A ‐mediated RNA deadenylation pathway acts on the transposon RNAs that are not regulated by small RNAs (2023)
Journal Article
Wang, L., Li, H., Lei, Z., Jeong, D., & Cho, J. (2024). The CARBON CATABOLITE REPRESSION 4A ‐mediated RNA deadenylation pathway acts on the transposon RNAs that are not regulated by small RNAs. New Phytologist, 241(4), 1636-1645.

Summary: Transposable elements (TEs) are mobile genetic elements that can impair the host genome stability and integrity. It has been well documented that activated transposons in plants are suppressed by small interfering (si) RNAs. However, transpo... Read More about The CARBON CATABOLITE REPRESSION 4A ‐mediated RNA deadenylation pathway acts on the transposon RNAs that are not regulated by small RNAs.

Transposable element-initiated enhancer-like elements generate the subgenome-biased spike specificity of polyploid wheat (2023)
Journal Article
Xie, Y., Ying, S., Li, Z., Zhang, Y., Zhu, J., Zhang, J., …Zhang, Y. (2023). Transposable element-initiated enhancer-like elements generate the subgenome-biased spike specificity of polyploid wheat. Nature Communications, 14(1), Article 7465.

Transposable elements (TEs) comprise ~85% of the common wheat genome, which are highly diverse among subgenomes, possibly contribute to polyploid plasticity, but the causality is only assumed. Here, by integrating data from gene expression cap analys... Read More about Transposable element-initiated enhancer-like elements generate the subgenome-biased spike specificity of polyploid wheat.