Numerical modelling of airflow over an idealised transverse dune.
Journal Article
Parsons, D., Wiggs, G., Walker, I., Ferguson, R., & Garvey, B. (2004). Numerical modelling of airflow over an idealised transverse dune. Environmental Modelling and Software, 19, 153-162
Robert Ferguson's Outputs (53)
Publication practices in physical and human geography: a comment on Thrift's 'The future of geography'. (2003)
Journal Article
Ferguson, R. (2003). Publication practices in physical and human geography: a comment on Thrift's 'The future of geography'. Geoforum, 34, 9-11.
Gravel-bed river grain size information by automated image analysis. (2003)
Journal Article
Sime, L., & Ferguson, R. (2003). Gravel-bed river grain size information by automated image analysis. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 73(4), 630-636
Coherent flow structures in shallow gravel-bed rivers: an experiemental and numerical study. (2003)
Book Chapter
Lane, S., Hardy, R., Keylock, C., Ferguson, R., & Parsons, D. (2003). Coherent flow structures in shallow gravel-bed rivers: an experiemental and numerical study. In W. Uijttewaal (Ed.), Shallow flows (259-266)
Testing numerical models in geomorphology: how can we ensure critical use of model predictions? (2003)
Book Chapter
Hoey, T., Bishop, P., & Ferguson, R. (2003). Testing numerical models in geomorphology: how can we ensure critical use of model predictions?. In P. Wilcock, & R. Iverson (Eds.), Prediction in Geomorphology, Geophysical Monograph 135 (241-255). American Geophysical Union
The missing dimension: effects of lateral variation on 1-D calculations of fluvial bedload transport (2003)
Journal Article
Ferguson, R. (2003). The missing dimension: effects of lateral variation on 1-D calculations of fluvial bedload transport. Geomorphology, 56(1-2), 1-14. calculations of bedload transport in rivers, including those in numerical models of aggradation and degradation, are 1-D: all hydraulic and transport-rate calculations are averaged over the channel width. Because bedload transport laws are nonli... Read More about The missing dimension: effects of lateral variation on 1-D calculations of fluvial bedload transport.
Flow in meander bends with recirculation at the inner bank (2003)
Journal Article
Ferguson, R., Parsons, D., Lane, S., & Hardy, R. (2003). Flow in meander bends with recirculation at the inner bank. Water Resources Research, 39(11), Article 1322. highly curved river bends, flow may separate at the inner bank to create a recirculation eddy with weak upstream flow. Very little is known about how recirculation eddies connect with the downstream flow or how the latter is affected by their pres... Read More about Flow in meander bends with recirculation at the inner bank.
Assessing the credibility of a series of computational fluid dynamic simulations of open channel flow (2003)
Journal Article
Hardy, R., Lane, S., Ferguson, R., & Parsons, D. (2003). Assessing the credibility of a series of computational fluid dynamic simulations of open channel flow. Hydrological Processes, 17(8), 1539-1560. developments in numerical algorithms have enabled the construction of three-dimensional models for the prediction of flows in open channels. These advances encompass improvements in both numerical solutions and the process representation requi... Read More about Assessing the credibility of a series of computational fluid dynamic simulations of open channel flow.
Emergence of abrupt gravel to sand transitions along rivers through sorting processes (2003)
Journal Article
Ferguson, R. (2003). Emergence of abrupt gravel to sand transitions along rivers through sorting processes. Geology, 31(2), 159-162. downstream fining along gravel-bed rivers is often followed by a relatively abrupt change to a sand bed. This has usually been explained by the breakdown of pebbles of certain lithologies to sand, but it is not restricted to particular rock t... Read More about Emergence of abrupt gravel to sand transitions along rivers through sorting processes.
Mobility of river tracer pebbles over different timescales. (2002)
Journal Article
Ferguson, R., Bloomer, D., Hoey, T., & Werritty, A. (2002). Mobility of river tracer pebbles over different timescales. Water Resources Research, 38(5), Article 1045.
Long-term slowdown of river tracer pebbles: Generic models and implications for interpreting short-term tracer studies. (2002)
Journal Article
Ferguson, R., & Hoey, T. (2002). Long-term slowdown of river tracer pebbles: Generic models and implications for interpreting short-term tracer studies. Water Resources Research, 38(8), Article 1142.
Velocity and flow resistance in step-pool streams. (2002)
Journal Article
Lee, A., & Ferguson, R. (2002). Velocity and flow resistance in step-pool streams. Geomorphology, 46(1), 59-71.
Fluvial aggradation in Vedder River: Testing a one dimensional sedimentation model. (2001)
Journal Article
Ferguson, R., Church, M., & Weatherly, H. (2001). Fluvial aggradation in Vedder River: Testing a one dimensional sedimentation model. Water Resources Research, 37(12), 3331-3347