Tributary control of physical heterogeneity and biological diversity at river confluences.
Journal Article
Rice, S., Ferguson, R., & Hoey, T. (2006). Tributary control of physical heterogeneity and biological diversity at river confluences. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 63, 2553-2566.
Robert Ferguson's Outputs (2)
River system discontinuities due to lateral inputs: generic styles and controls (2006)
Journal Article
Ferguson, R., Cudden, J., Hoey, T., & Rice, S. (2006). River system discontinuities due to lateral inputs: generic styles and controls. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 31(9), 1149-1166. alluvial river systems, lateral inputs of water and/or sediment at junctions or undercut hillsides can disrupt what would otherwise be smooth downstream trends in mainstream bed elevation, channel gradient, and bed grain size. Generic styles of ma... Read More about River system discontinuities due to lateral inputs: generic styles and controls.