Spectrum of soft quantum-chromodynamics partons in jets and the hadron plateau in e ⁺ e ⁻ annihilation
Journal Article
Azimov, Y. I., Dokshitser, Y. L., & Khoze, V. (1982). Spectrum of soft quantum-chromodynamics partons in jets and the hadron plateau in e ⁺ e ⁻ annihilation. JETP Letters, 35, 482-484
Valery Khoze's Outputs (3)
Structure of the Higgs sector and the vertex Z⁰W<SUP> +/- </SUP>H<SUP> -/+ </SUP> (1982)
Journal Article
Iogansen, A., Ural'Tsev, N., & Khoze, V. (1982). Structure of the Higgs sector and the vertex Z⁰W +/- H -/+
Coherent effects in the perturbative QCD parton jets (1982)
Journal Article
Dokshitzer, Y. L., Fadin, V., & Khoze, V. (1982). Coherent effects in the perturbative QCD parton jets. Physics Letters B, 115, 242-246. https://doi.org/10.1016/0370-2693%2882%2990654-2