Seismic image of a CO₂ reservoir beneath a seismically active volcano
Journal Article
Julian, B., Pitt, A., & Foulger, G. (1998). Seismic image of a CO₂ reservoir beneath a seismically active volcano. Geophysical Journal International, 133, 7-10.
Gillian Foulger's Outputs (6)
Three-dimensional structure and moment tensors of non-double-couple earthquakes at the Hengill-Grensdalur volcanic complex, Iceland (1998)
Journal Article
Miller, A., Julian, B., & Foulger, G. (1998). Three-dimensional structure and moment tensors of non-double-couple earthquakes at the Hengill-Grensdalur volcanic complex, Iceland. Geophysical Journal International, 133, 309-325.
Seismic monitoring and activity increase in California caldera (1998)
Journal Article
Foulger, G., Malin, P., Shalev, E., Julian, B., & Hill, D. (1998). Seismic monitoring and activity increase in California caldera
Non-double-couple earthquakes 1. Theory (1998)
Journal Article
Julian, B., Miller, A., & Foulger, G. (1998). Non-double-couple earthquakes 1. Theory. Reviews of Geophysics, 36, 525-549
Non-double-couple earthquakes 2. Observations, Rev. (1998)
Journal Article
Miller, A., Foulger, G., & Julian, B. (1998). Non-double-couple earthquakes 2. Observations, Rev. Geophysics, 36, 551-568no abstract
Regional vertical motion in Iceland 1987-1992, determined using GPS surveying. (1998)
Book Chapter
Foulger, G., & Hofton, M. (1998). Regional vertical motion in Iceland 1987-1992, determined using GPS surveying. In I. Stewart, & C. Vita-Finzi (Eds.), Coastal Tectonics (165-178). Geological Society Special Publication