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Ahmed Sarhan Alamri's Outputs (2)

The engage taxonomy: SDT-based measurable engagement indicators for MOOCs and their evaluation (2023)
Journal Article
Cristea, A. I., Alamri, A., Alshehri, M., Dwan Pereira, F., Toda, A. M., Harada T. de Oliveira, E., & Stewart, C. (2024). The engage taxonomy: SDT-based measurable engagement indicators for MOOCs and their evaluation. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 34(2), 323-374.

Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) platforms are considered a distinctive way to deliver a modern educational experience, open to a worldwide public. However, student engagement in MOOCs is a less explored area, although it is known that MOOCs suffer... Read More about The engage taxonomy: SDT-based measurable engagement indicators for MOOCs and their evaluation.

Towards Designing Profitable Courses: Predicting Student Purchasing Behaviour in MOOCs (2021)
Journal Article
Alshehri, M., Alamri, A., Cristea, A. I., & Stewart, C. D. (2021). Towards Designing Profitable Courses: Predicting Student Purchasing Behaviour in MOOCs. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 31(2), 215-233.

Since their ‘official’ emergence in 2012 (Gardner and Brooks 2018), massive open online courses (MOOCs) have been growing rapidly. They offer low-cost education for both students and content providers; however, currently there is a very low level of... Read More about Towards Designing Profitable Courses: Predicting Student Purchasing Behaviour in MOOCs.