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Carlos Tornel's Outputs (6)

Decolonizing energy justice from the ground up: Political ecology, ontology, and energy landscapes (2022)
Journal Article
Tornel, C. (2023). Decolonizing energy justice from the ground up: Political ecology, ontology, and energy landscapes. Progress in Human Geography, 47(1), 43-65.

The purpose of the paper is to expand the concept of energy justice by considering the struggles over coloniality and cultural identity in the Global South and their interactions with the spatial and historical development of energy systems and the o... Read More about Decolonizing energy justice from the ground up: Political ecology, ontology, and energy landscapes.

On design, development and the axes of pluriversal politics: An interview with Arturo Escobar (2022)
Journal Article
Escobar, A., Tornel, C., & Lunden, A. (2022). On design, development and the axes of pluriversal politics: An interview with Arturo Escobar. Nordia Geographical Publications,

This interview deals with Arturo Escobar’s recent work on Pluriversal Politics and the Pluriversal transitions. The discussion is divided into three main themes: the first section addresses Escobar’s reflections on the contemporary civilizational cri... Read More about On design, development and the axes of pluriversal politics: An interview with Arturo Escobar.

Petro-populism and infrastructural energy landscapes: The case of Mexico’s Dos Bocas Refinery (2021)
Journal Article
Tornel, C. (2021). Petro-populism and infrastructural energy landscapes: The case of Mexico’s Dos Bocas Refinery. Nordia Geographical Publications Yearbook, 49(5),

In 2018, recently elected presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) promised the construction of a new refinery in Mexico. Arguing a lack of energy independence and the urgent need to ‘rescue’ petro-state giant PEMEX and the stateowne... Read More about Petro-populism and infrastructural energy landscapes: The case of Mexico’s Dos Bocas Refinery.