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Benedict Jones' Outputs (1)

Older Generation: Self-Powered IoTs, Home-Life and “Ageing Well” (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bailey, G., Seunarine, K., Baptista De Lima, C. V., Carnie, M., Haymoor, Z., Hyde, M., Jones, B. H., Jones, M., Pearson, J., Reitmaier, T., Robinson, S., Sahoo, D. R., & Williams, A. (2024, October). Older Generation: Self-Powered IoTs, Home-Life and “Ageing Well”. Presented at NordiCHI 2024: Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Uppsala Sweden

Internet of Things (IoT) technology is found in many homes. These systems enable tasks to be done more effectively or efficiently – e.g., securing property, monitoring and adjusting resources, tracking behaviours for well-being, and so on. The system... Read More about Older Generation: Self-Powered IoTs, Home-Life and “Ageing Well”.