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All Outputs (13)

On Lagrangian mechanics and the implicit material point method for large deformation elasto-plasticity (2019)
Journal Article
Coombs, W., Augarde, C., Brennan, A., Brown, M., Charlton, T., Knappett, J., Ghaffari Motlagh, Y., & Wang, L. (2020). On Lagrangian mechanics and the implicit material point method for large deformation elasto-plasticity. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 358, Article 112622.

The material point method is ideally suited to modelling problems involving large deformations where conventional mesh-based methods would struggle. However, total and updated Lagrangian approaches are unsuitable and non-ideal, respectively, in terms... Read More about On Lagrangian mechanics and the implicit material point method for large deformation elasto-plasticity.

On the use of domain-based material point methods for problems involving large distortion (2019)
Journal Article
Wang, L., Coombs, W., Augarde, C., Cortis, M., Charlton, T., Brown, M., Knappett, J., Brennan, A., Davidson, C., Richards, D., & Blake, A. (2019). On the use of domain-based material point methods for problems involving large distortion. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 355, 1003-1025.

Challenging solid mechanics problems exist in areas such as geotechnical and biomedical engineering which require numerical methods that can cope with very large deformations, both stretches and torsion. One candidate for these problems is the Materi... Read More about On the use of domain-based material point methods for problems involving large distortion.

On the issues associated with applying traditional Lagrangian mechanics to the material point method (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Coombs, W., Augarde, C., Brennan, A., Brown, M., Charlton, T., Knappett, J., Ghaffari Motlagh, Y., & Wang, L. (2019, December). On the issues associated with applying traditional Lagrangian mechanics to the material point method. Presented at Second International Conference on the Material Point Method for Modelling Soil-Water-Structure Interaction, Cambridge, United Kingdom

B-spline based boundary conditions in the material point method (2018)
Journal Article
Bing, Y., Cortis, M., Charlton, T., Coombs, W., & Augarde, C. (2019). B-spline based boundary conditions in the material point method. Computers and Structures, 212, 257-274.

The material point method is an increasingly popular method for tackling solid mechanics problems involving large deformations. However, there are issues associated with applying boundary conditions in the method and, to date, no general approach for... Read More about B-spline based boundary conditions in the material point method.

Overcoming volumetric locking in material point methods (2018)
Journal Article
Coombs, W., Charlton, T., Cortis, M., & Augarde, C. (2018). Overcoming volumetric locking in material point methods. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 333, 1-21.

Material point methods suffer from volumetric locking when modelling near incompressible materials due to the combination of a low-order computational mesh and large numbers of material points per element. Large numbers of material points per element... Read More about Overcoming volumetric locking in material point methods.

iGIMP: An implicit generalised interpolation material point method for large deformations (2017)
Journal Article
Charlton, T., Coombs, W., & Augarde, C. (2017). iGIMP: An implicit generalised interpolation material point method for large deformations. Computers and Structures, 190, 108-125.

The Material Point Method (MPM) uses a combined Eulerian-Lagrangian approach to solve problems involving large deformations. A problem domain is discretised as material points which are advected on a background grid. Problems are encountered with the... Read More about iGIMP: An implicit generalised interpolation material point method for large deformations.

On the implementation of gradient plasticity with the material point method (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Charlton, T. J., Coombs, W. M., & Augarde, C. E. (2017, April). On the implementation of gradient plasticity with the material point method. Presented at 25th Conference on Computational Mechanics UKACM 2017., Birmingham, UK

The Material Point Method (MPM) is a computational method which allows solid mechanics problems to be modelled using material points which move through a fixed background grid. State variables are stored at these material points and tracked throughou... Read More about On the implementation of gradient plasticity with the material point method.

Gradient elasto-plasticity with the generalised interpolation material point method (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Charlton, T., Coombs, W., & Augarde, C. Gradient elasto-plasticity with the generalised interpolation material point method. Presented at 1st International Conference on the Material Point Method (MPM 2017), Delft, Netherlands

The modelling of geomechanics problems can require a method that allows large deformations and non-linear material behaviour, in this respect the Generalised Material Point Method (GIMPM) is ideal. A fully implicit version of GIMPM has recently been... Read More about Gradient elasto-plasticity with the generalised interpolation material point method.

Gradient elasticity with the material point method (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Charlton, T., Coombs, W., & Augarde, C. (2023, March). Gradient elasticity with the material point method. Presented at ACME - UK 2016 24th Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering., Cardiff, UK

The Material Point Method (MPM) is a method that allows solid mechanics problems with large deformation and non-linearity to be modelled using particles at which state variables are stored and tracked. Calculations are then carried out on a regular b... Read More about Gradient elasticity with the material point method.

On the implicit implementation of the Generalised Interpolation Material Point method (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Charlton, T. J., Coombs, W. M., & Augarde, C. E. (2015, April). On the implicit implementation of the Generalised Interpolation Material Point method. Presented at 23rd Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering, ACME-UK 2015., Swansea, Wales, UK

The modelling of solid mechanics problems often requires a method which allows large deformations and can account for non-linear behaviour. The Material Point Method (MPM) allows this by modelling a problem domain using particles (or Material Points,... Read More about On the implicit implementation of the Generalised Interpolation Material Point method.

A review of the Material Point Method and its links to other computational methods (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Charlton, T., Coombs, W., & Augarde, C. (2014, April). A review of the Material Point Method and its links to other computational methods. Presented at 22nd UK National Conference of the Association of Computational Mechanics in Engineering (ACME)., Exeter, Uk

There is considerable interest in development of solid mechanics modelling which can cope with both material and geometric nonlinearity, particularly in areas such as computational geotechnics, for applications such as slope failure and foundation in... Read More about A review of the Material Point Method and its links to other computational methods.