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All Outputs (19)

“[H]is Castle was her Proper Habitation”: Homes and Dwelling Places in Sarah Fielding’s The History of the Countess of Dellwyn (1759) (2023)
Journal Article
Skinner, G. M. (2023). “[H]is Castle was her Proper Habitation”: Homes and Dwelling Places in Sarah Fielding’s The History of the Countess of Dellwyn (1759). European Romantic Review, 34(2), 151-164.

Sarah Fielding’s The Countess of Dellwyn tells Charlotte Lucum’s story. Seventeen, beautiful, raised in rural seclusion, her father manipulates her into marrying sixty-five year old Lord Dellwyn, a decrepit, gout-ridden and wealthy peer whose politic... Read More about “[H]is Castle was her Proper Habitation”: Homes and Dwelling Places in Sarah Fielding’s The History of the Countess of Dellwyn (1759).

Spoken from the impulse of the moment: Epistolarity, Sensibility and Breath in Frances Burney's Evelina (2020)
Book Chapter
Skinner, G. (2020). Spoken from the impulse of the moment: Epistolarity, Sensibility and Breath in Frances Burney's Evelina. In C. Saunders, D. Fuller, & J. Macnaughton (Eds.), The life of breath in literature, culture, and medicine: classical to contemporary (241-259). Palgrave Macmillan.

Skinner explores the neglected role of breath in the mapping and understanding of eighteenth-century sensibility. Thematically rich in their associations with body and spirit, life and death, breath and breathlessness are also woven into the stylisti... Read More about Spoken from the impulse of the moment: Epistolarity, Sensibility and Breath in Frances Burney's Evelina.

Charles Jenner, Letters from Altamont (2018)
Book Chapter
Skinner, G. (in press). Charles Jenner, Letters from Altamont. In The Cambridge Guide to the Eighteenth-Century Novel. Cambridge University Press

Charles Jenner, The Placid Man (2018)
Book Chapter
Skinner, G. (in press). Charles Jenner, The Placid Man. In A. London (Ed.), The Cambridge Guide to the Eighteenth-Century Novel. Cambridge University Press

"A Tattling Town like Windsor" : negotiating proper relations in Frances Burney's early Court Journals and Letters (1786-87) (2013)
Journal Article
Skinner, G. (2014). "A Tattling Town like Windsor" : negotiating proper relations in Frances Burney's early Court Journals and Letters (1786-87). Eighteenth-Century Life, 38(1), 1-17.

The idea that Burney features in her own journals and letters as a novelistic heroine is something that readers over the years have noted and attributed variously to straightforward egotism or to a need for compensation. In this article, I read narra... Read More about "A Tattling Town like Windsor" : negotiating proper relations in Frances Burney's early Court Journals and Letters (1786-87).

"An Unsullied Reputation in the Midst of Danger": Barsanti, Propriety and Performance in Burney's Early journals and Letters (2012)
Journal Article
Skinner, G. (2012). "An Unsullied Reputation in the Midst of Danger": Barsanti, Propriety and Performance in Burney's Early journals and Letters. Women's Writing, 19(4), 525-543.

Although it has been recognized for some time that drama and the theatre were of key importance in Frances Burney's life and writing, the regular presence of Jane Barsanti's name in her journals and letters from 1769 to the late 1770s has remained al... Read More about "An Unsullied Reputation in the Midst of Danger": Barsanti, Propriety and Performance in Burney's Early journals and Letters.

"My Muse loves a little Variety": Writing Drama and the Creative Life of Frances Burney (2011)
Journal Article
Skinner, G. (2011). "My Muse loves a little Variety": Writing Drama and the Creative Life of Frances Burney. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 34(2), 197-208.

This article focuses on Frances Burney's abortive career as a playwright and uses her journals and letters to examine three key points: the suppression of her first comedy, The Witlings; the sole performance of her tragedy Edwy and Elgiva; and the wi... Read More about "My Muse loves a little Variety": Writing Drama and the Creative Life of Frances Burney.

Class, Gender, and Inheritance in Burney's A Busy Day and The Woman-Hater (2010)
Book Chapter
Skinner, G. (2010). Class, Gender, and Inheritance in Burney's A Busy Day and The Woman-Hater. In B. Nelson, & C. Burroughs (Eds.), Approaches to Teaching British Women Playwrights of the Restoration and Eighteenth Century (237-246). Modern Language Association of America

Lady Dorothea Du Bois' and 'Charles Jenner (2004)
Book Chapter
Skinner, G. (2004). Lady Dorothea Du Bois' and 'Charles Jenner. In H. Matthew, B. Harrison, & L. Goldman (Eds.), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press