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All Outputs (10)

Accurate predictions for charged Higgs production: Closing the the mH±∼mt window (2017)
Journal Article
Degrande, C., Frederix, R., Hirschi, V., Ubiali, M., Wiesemann, M., & Zaro, M. (2017). Accurate predictions for charged Higgs production: Closing the the mH±∼mt window. Physics Letters B, 772, 87-92.

We present predictions for the total cross section for the production of a charged Higgs boson in the intermediate-mass range (mH±∼mt) at the LHC, focusing on a type-II two-Higgs-doublet model. Results are obtained at next-to-leading order (NLO) accu... Read More about Accurate predictions for charged Higgs production: Closing the the mH±∼mt window.

NLO predictions for the production of a spin-two particle at the LHC (2017)
Journal Article
Das, G., Degrande, C., Hirschi, V., Maltoni, F., & Shao, H. (2017). NLO predictions for the production of a spin-two particle at the LHC. Physics Letters B, 770, 507-513.

We obtain predictions accurate at the next-to-leading order in QCD for the production of a generic spin-two particle in the most relevant channels at the LHC: production in association with coloured particles (inclusive, one jet, two jets and tt¯), w... Read More about NLO predictions for the production of a spin-two particle at the LHC.

Multi-Higgs-boson production in gluon fusion at 100 TeV (2016)
Journal Article
Degrande, C., Khoze, V. V., & Mattelaer, O. (2016). Multi-Higgs-boson production in gluon fusion at 100 TeV. Physical Review D, 94(8), Article 085031.

We carry out a detailed study of multi-Higgs production processes in the gluon fusion channel in the high-energy regime relevant to future circular hadron colliders and in the high-Higgs-multiplicity limit (≥20). Our results are based on the computat... Read More about Multi-Higgs-boson production in gluon fusion at 100 TeV.

Fully automated precision predictions for heavy neutrino production mechanisms at hadron colliders (2016)
Journal Article
Degrande, C., Mattelaer, O., Ruiz, R., & Turner, J. (2016). Fully automated precision predictions for heavy neutrino production mechanisms at hadron colliders. Physical Review D, 94(5), Article 053002.

Motivated by TeV-scale neutrino mass models, we propose a systematic treatment of heavy neutrino (N) production at hadron colliders. Our simple and efficient modeling of the vector boson fusion (VBF) Wγ → Nl and Nl þ nj signal definitions resolve col... Read More about Fully automated precision predictions for heavy neutrino production mechanisms at hadron colliders.

Matching next-to-leading order predictions to parton showers in supersymmetric QCD (2016)
Journal Article
Degrande, C., Fuks, B., Hirschi, V., Proudom, J., & Shao, H.-S. (2016). Matching next-to-leading order predictions to parton showers in supersymmetric QCD. Physics Letters B, 755, 82-87.

We present a fully automated framework based on the FeynRules and MadGraph5_aMC@NLO programs that allows for accurate simulations of supersymmetric QCD processes at the LHC. Starting directly from a model Lagrangian that features squark and gluino in... Read More about Matching next-to-leading order predictions to parton showers in supersymmetric QCD.

Heavy charged Higgs boson production at the LHC (2015)
Journal Article
Degrande, C., Ubiali, M., Wiesemann, M., & Zaro, M. (2015). Heavy charged Higgs boson production at the LHC. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015(10), Article 145.

In this paper we study the production of a heavy charged Higgs boson in association with heavy quarks at the LHC in the two-Higgs-doublet model. We present for the first time fully-differential results obtained in the four-flavour scheme at NLO accur... Read More about Heavy charged Higgs boson production at the LHC.

UFO - The Universal FeynRules Output (2012)
Journal Article
Degrande, C., Duhr, C., Fuks, B., Grellscheid, D., Mattelaer, O., & Reiter, T. (2012). UFO - The Universal FeynRules Output. Computer Physics Communications, 183(6), 1201-1214.

We present a new model format for automatized matrix-element generators, the so-called Universal FeynRules Output (UFO). The format is universal in the sense that it features compatibility with more than one single generator and is designed to be fle... Read More about UFO - The Universal FeynRules Output.

Non-resonant New Physics in Top Pair Production at Hadron Colliders (2011)
Journal Article
Degrande, C., Gérard, J., Grojean, C., Maltoni, F., & Servant, G. (2011). Non-resonant New Physics in Top Pair Production at Hadron Colliders. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011(3), Article 125.

We use top quark pair production as a probe of top-philic non-resonant new physics. Following a low energy effective field theory approach, we calculate several key observables in top quark pair production at hadron colliders (e.g., total cross secti... Read More about Non-resonant New Physics in Top Pair Production at Hadron Colliders.

A comprehensive approach to new physics simulations (2011)
Journal Article
Christensen, N. D., de Aquino, P., Degrande, C., Duhr, C., Fuks, B., Herquet, M., …Schumann, S. (2011). A comprehensive approach to new physics simulations. The European Physical Journal C, 71(2), Article 1541.

We describe a framework to develop, implement and validate any perturbative Lagrangian-based particle physics model for further theoretical, phenomenological and experimental studies. The starting point is FeynRules, a Mathematica package that allows... Read More about A comprehensive approach to new physics simulations.